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Everything posted by breff

  1. Split charge relay unit, only connects 7ah to vehicle when engine is running www.split-charge-relays.co.uk
  2. Lucky it wasn't me, I wouldn't have had any shorts on!!
  3. Com port 2 prog as comip, baud rate 38400, ip port 10001, arc2 tel no. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/10001, account no 0001, sia level 2/3 with connect via ip and send sia text selected. com1 is com2400 and arc1 is sms messaging. onboard digi set to com2400
  4. As I said earlier, my panel is 7.6, the app works, montex works, wintex works all over IP. There is even a com2400 on it sending sms as well incase broadband goes down (seperate btw, I have cable)
  5. Mines an 88 v7.6, so I can confirm that
  6. Same here, server in my loft receiving SIA from panel then sends out emails, they come through pretty quick though
  7. Or how not to, shouldn't be mounted sideways, antennas should be kept in same orientation as receiver, can lose 60% signal just by doing that
  8. And nursing homes......
  9. Didnt know you were into necrophilia
  10. Was going to say that previously it was 554-557, when they added android/iphone they added 558 PS surely I deserve a +1.....
  11. Ipolis, works fine, software on the machine must be above 1.03 IIRC, http port is 80, rtsp port is 554. Ports 80 and 554-558 TCP need forwarding through your router to access remotely. You will need at least a 3g signal for it to work as well
  12. 43 downloads

    Some helpful information about resetting passwords and changing hard drives on dedicated micros dvrs
  13. Nothing wrong with staple guns in the right hands, I've got a coax staple gun as well, very handy.
  14. to switch from one option to another you must close the existing option by clicking the underlined close at the bottom So there was nothing wrong with the upload it seems
  15. Right , try this one CobLoad.zip
  16. Weird, I just downloaded myself and unzipped no problem, I use winrar to zip and unzip I'll have a go with winzip..........................just got to download and install it first..........grrrrr
  17. Anyone else who has downloaded have a problem????
  18. Rezipped and re uploaded CobLoad.zip
  19. Mine works fine, you MUST use internet explorer, NO other web browser Software to upload and web pages attached CobLoad.zip
  20. You're telling me, don't the locals all have webbed toes, 3 ears and that sort of thing, your uncles your cousins sister sort of place.
  21. Looks like a pre2000 veritas r8.
  22. we've used them, they are ok. the underground hydraulic operators are good, we then went onto FAAC controllers because they have slow start/stop but they are more expensive.
  23. Alarm Transmission System Fault. IE Phone line fault.
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