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Zonaplex last won the day on September 4 2024

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About Zonaplex

  • Birthday 22/08/1977

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  1. Thanks Arfur I have a few other old ones from the 70's I'll post up in a day or so They all work good with very little false alarms
  2. Brad, This is the Genesis, I remember the a-d split of the zone you had a different resistor for each detector, it was a pain on a service call as high resistance on a cable would really mess you up also the plug on connection for the MLI units need a special tool to crimp properly or your connection could go dodgy and cause all sorts of GIL status marginal high or low As far as I know Securicor Granley used to make them in the UK we could order separate circuit boards from them they looked like old PC cards, Securicor Dublin stopped using them around 2000, still a few around in schools and colleges in Dublin. Jnealon, That's the very panel a KES, I came across a Merlin 150 in the stores and the programming is the exact same The engineer manual lets you program fine Thanks for the help
  3. James, this is the old AFA stuff they had lots of old batteries called cells or flags I think, they were kept in wooden boxes around the site and seemed to be linked to the tube and batton stuff on the windows The Fidela motion detector still works perfectly on a newer panel and the lamp (not LED !!) lights up when it detects movement and the relay makes a really loud click sharedmedia=gallery:images:539]
  4. James, I'm working down the country untill Friday, I will post the pic here and I have the panel as well ( complete with oscilloscope dial ) !! The customer boarded the top two floors up in January 1978 and just traded from the basement and ground floor. The tennent on the 1st and 2nd floor was a jeweller called the "ring king" His lease expired and they dry lined up the top floors until last year
  5. Zonaplex


  6. It was just a hobby of mine messing about with old panels and detectors I have got many an old Aplex and Genesis going again in the shed, even an old AFA Fidela detector from 1975 !!! Thanks for the response anyway
  7. Its a four zone panel removed from small storage unit, when if powers up on battery it says "4 zone online" the starts counting down "0 - 30" and the buzzer starts until it reaches 0 the then the display goes blank. If you press a button you will get a dash - up to 4 in total I never came across ASG over here before, the bell box is an old Modern Alarms type who got bought out by ADT, customer was doing a bit of a revamp so we got to upgrade to a HKC 1070, he said to old system was as solid as a rock very little false alarms and tripped to ACE monitoring the one time he had a genuine break in Thanks for the replys
  8. Hi Guys, I was looking for help identifying the panel in the attached images. We upgraded the panel recently in Dublin on a takeover from ADT, the only info I can see is KES QED X 4 Issue 3 Any help is much appreciated Thanks.
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