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Barsnake last won the day on August 23

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About Barsnake

  • Birthday 02/07/1966

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    Football, Cycling, Home Computing, Pub, Family. Not Necessarily In That Order!


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  1. Bet its set up for set up for engineer reset for tamper (Default) Not the battery fault that needs reseting but the lid tamper So Engineer code will most likely be required
  2. Yes it does or enter it manually
  3. Certainly going around the houses so to speak Think the previous one "76" was more under the Castle Brand before the buy out, not too hot on the old ptronix Castle 10-44 10-76 44 76 162 Pyronix 46S and L now 76S and L with the new firmware and the 280 New 280 LOL there can see why they've rebranded it but it does look a bit comical
  4. yes and its been flashed by pyronix several times, had a techie out everytime, glad i was away on holiday at the time dont know how long its going to be before there a stable one need another one for a job but hanging on..........and on......and on......
  5. Dont get me started on this new 280
  6. I wire on some jobs a regular panic button on a desk to one of their transmitters MC2 works well on a local council customer services desks who move the desk around repeatably
  7. Barsnake

    Scantronic 9500 advert

    memories had a set of walkie talkies and sat one ontop of the speaker triggered doing the walk test beep lim z1 beepbepp lim z2 god im getting old just a nightmare popping back to the panel to restart a new lim had a few jobs with about 10-15 lims on glad there gone
  8. REMRESET Old Menvier Scanny Reset View File Hopr this works Submitter Barsnake Submitted 13/01/22 Category Menvier  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Remote reset software for menvier networker and scantronic
  10. sorry just noted this is an open topic so may have gone a little too deep with a techie reply
  11. The Connector is a MMCX Same as a dualcom or new RC Essential antenna connector Usual problem your siganal must be alot better in the other position as an extension lead will drop a good percentage of the gained signal have you tried a dualcom antenna, longer lead on an antenna always will beat a plugged extension.
  12. Just sharing this little resource with you, I find it very helpful (Scroll Down) http://www.intercomsrus.com/intercom_handset_finder_tool.htm
  13. The Dual Frequency Pyronix Stuff works well and stop the supervision/jamming (All NEW kit is OK) Beware on older stuff
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