had a lot of fun with these initially.
certainly outside the dhcp pool makes life easier,
making sure nothing can automatically connect to the com wifi ssid seems to keep it focused.
wrt to the app, change the polling to 1 minute and it soon updates the ip, or with notifications on send an event via the keypad and it will be updated.
the polling changes between 5 minutes(in engineering) and 15 minutes normally.
as for routers, I have had issues with talk talk routers not liking the app on an external network so had customers with both a local and external connection.
as for the notifications themselves I have a system with a comip and a GSM, gsm is only set for alarm events at the minute but find it more reliable than the app.
Find the Risco cloud much more reliable and instant for notifications over The Texecom App, but I digress theres good and bad in all things,