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Tony Christophis

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    Banstead Surrey

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  1. hi all Had a few premier 64-w kits richochet signals drop out lately. funny thing, seems to be with the new capture PIR's and dualtechs apart from one which was a shock detector. went back to one job on monday and replaced a P15-W PIR in the breakfast room due to tamper fault. the following morning the customer text me to say he had a tamper fault with the landing PIR. going back next week with laptop to log into the mesh and see whats happening. when logging in remotely, every device seems to communicate with the panel directly rather than bounce of each other, assuming the property is well adequate for signal top pass round freely. also whilst on site on monday, i checked richochet diagnostics and every device signal strength is between 93-100%. i'm hoping its just a batch of dodgy PIR's fitted back in march. whats your thoughts guys?
  2. hi all i know its been a while seen i last posted anything regarding the problems i was having with the smartcoms. all is good now. i also found out what the problem was at the time. the two smartcoms had been in my stores for a while and had gone out of date in regards to software upgrade. brought new smartcom and all was good.
  3. DEFINATELY NOT DIY, RIGHT ABOUT THAT. DONT EXPECT IT TO BE Never had issues with other manufacturers equipment in regards to websafe **** Just Texecom. Been in the game since 1988. Getting a bit inpatient in me old age. Did use texecom near enough everyday when hardwired systems were the only way to get things done. Hope to get my head round it sooner or later before having a stroke. Gotta go commission one this morning. Customers gor a Plusnet router, so hopefully should be out of there within an hour
  4. Thanks guys for your replies Why can't it just be straight forward like Visonic and Pyronix for crying out loud. WHAT IS IT ABOUT TEXECOM
  5. Hi I recently purchased a Texecom 64-W wireless kit Version 5 and a Smartcom module for APP connection. The problem I am having is that when I try to generate an APP code by "Enable Texecom Connect APP" for an APP passcode to be generated, it eventually comes back with "NO CARRIER" meaning no access to the Cloud. I have Virgin media business broadband at home as it's where I run my business from and according to Texecom tech support, Websafe has to be disabled to allow access for the Smartcom to the Cloud. I was told to get the client to log into their Virgin Media account online and to disable Websafe. Has anybody come across this before connecting via Virgin Media. PLEASE HELP!!!
  6. Morning all. I've been using the Pyronix Enforcers and Euro 46's for the past 2 years. I thought I nailed it in regards to a perfect control system for hybrid use. I was wrong. For the past 6 months, I've had a few come backs where I had to return to an installation that had only been installed less than a year to replace the main PCB. No I'm not talking about the ****-up they had with the software issue. That seems to have been resolved with the flash upgrade. The problem now is apparently according to the regional sales person, some of the panels components are corrupt and sending corrupt data to the Pyronix Cloud/APP. Yes I am using the new Pro Control+ APP. It's driving me and my customers mad. Giving me a bad name. The only thing that he advised is to return and replace the panel. GREAT!!! Can't charge the customer during warrantee period so who is is going top pay me for my time wasted. They're not small installs either. It lets you log in but doesn't always give you the option of the individual areas to arm/disarm. This is what I have been told is corrupt on the panel side. Has anybody else had this issue?
  7. Hi, I've been in the trade for 30 years. I've been running my company since 2004 under the NSI.
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