Have just installed a Pyronix Enforcer with DigiGSM (the Enforcer GSM Kit) and am having trouble with some of the SMS functionality. The Enforcer sends SMS messages when it is supposed to, but does not respond when SMS messages are sent to it. The marketing brochure says that the DigiGSM is supposed to be able to control the panel, and should also forward any incoming SMS messages to the primary number. It isn't doing either of these.
Am also trying to use the DigiGSM to dial out for UDL, but that does not seem to work either - the dial out connectivity test fails. Also, calls to the DigiGSM SIM card number are not answered despite the panel being set up to auto-answer. I'm using a SIM that doesn't support CSD (the 'data' number), but I had assumed that the SIM would still 'ring' on a call to the voice/text number and the panel would still answer.
Is this supposed to work the way I'm trying to use it? The Pyronix website is confusing as it looks like the export model has different functionality (and has an app for Android), but the UK marketing brochure leads me to believe I should be able to do what I'm trying.
Any help or clarification very much appreciated. At this point I just want to know if this is supported by the UK panel. If not I can give up, but if it should work I will keep troubleshooting.
FWIW, everything else on the Enforcer is working like a dream.