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Everything posted by Reddwarf4ever

  1. Moderator maybe this should be moved to your DIY section, as I am looking for guidance, even if I don’t install myself
  2. Seriously, I can’t believe why you are so unwilling to help me, if you have nothing to suggest, then with respect why are you replying to my post ? lets say installer 1 says alarm system A are the best ever, then installer 2 says alarm system B are the best, then installer 3 says alarm system C is the best ever, they ALl have their reasons. as a homeowner I have to simply guess which is the best, so my idea, as daft as you think it is, was to ask people ‘ in the know ‘ which is the best route and if one of my installers selects that, then end of problem, if no one does I can ask them to compare their choice with the forum recommendation......seemed a good plan.....guess without any further replies I will have to research elsewhere, just wonder the point of a forum that won’t offer advice....
  3. Can’t see any way of editing my post, but I purposely didn’t put this in DIY, for the simple reason I don’t intend doing it myself, just wanted some equipment advice. Have decided to do away with all the smoke alarms, as I a, told they only last 7 years and most are now over 16 years old....will replace with 3 or 4 standalone smoke alarms. Also am told by an enquiry I made that A Pyronix Euro 46 8 zone control panel., a euro zem8 8 zone wired expander & two Pyronix Euro keypads, & a Pyronix delta bell. been also told that to have TWO external sounders would require an extra PSU, whereas my gardtec 840 see,S t accept two easily., so wonder wh I can’t have two, a PSU shouldn’t be too expensive should it? not clear if this is my cheapest option to replace the specified components I.e. two kepypads alarm panel and an external alarm, all PIRs and door contacts to remain. One other enquiry suggested a scantronic hybrid panel, which as. I Understand has Wi-fi included and some wireless capability also, not sure yet if this requires extra modules or not, or if the Pyronix is my best choice thanks
  4. Don’t plan on a self install, wanted to be given some ideas on controls panel , kepypads sounder etc thanks
  5. All sorted now thanks. have requested options for replacement keypads and control panel,in a separate post thanks
  6. Hello i think the alarm panel or keypads have started developing a fault, whereby occasionally the max in exit keypad displays system in use when the exit code is set, have to wait 20-30 seconds for it to clear, never happens with the other keypad, but thismonly used for part setting. so wish to keep all wired PIR and smokes for contacts, but replace the panel, two keypads and two external sounders... here is a list of of what I have, wonder if there are obvious best choices for replacing panel sounders and keypads, thanks 1- front door contact 2- kitchen PIR 3- Lounge room PIR 4- Game room PIR 5- Garage door contact 6- Garage internal contact 7- store room PIR 8- Master bed PIR 9- 3rd bed PIR 10- 2nd bed PIR 11- Landing PIR 12- Hall smoke 13- Game room smoke 14- Lounge & Master bed smoke 15- Bedrooms 2 & 3 smoke 16- Landing & store room smoke 17- Garage control panel 18- Hall & landing keypads 19- Landing sounder 20- front & rear sounders
  7. Yes there is an option, but it’s all the yes no responses, don’t want to mess it up, so if someone could give me an easy guide..... thanks
  8. Hello i want to change the user alarm code. Don’t have any cleaner codes set, just part set 1 & 2. i have the engineer code, checking the manual seemed a little confusing , referring to user, main and master codes.... as as I understand it there is the user code to set the alarm on exit and unset it on entry, and the Engineer code... could someone kindly give me a simple step procedure just just to change the ‘ master’ code ? thanks
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