Dependant on the panel you are using (i.e. not class 2), where there are only 4 cables available and the customer has insisted on the strobe working, I have used the box in SCB mode and forgone the tamper facility, the obvious issue here is that pulling the bell off the wall won't alert the panel.
This is only a showstopper if the customer wants to use a dialler, otherwise the bell will ring as soon as the internal tamper is opened, it just won't go into tamper or appear in the log.
The other downside is that the bell on some boxes is quieter when run from the battery, best to test it if you plan to do this.
You need to link the tamper to the 0v/A/Aux-, otherwise the box will stay in tamper.
If you are at all unsure, just lose the strobe, it's a safer option.