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  1. Yes i understand that, im talking kit that cant be graded, We done a job and had to fit perimeter beams around perimeter, because the beams where not graded, we where told we could keep at as grd3 but need to do a deviation explaining no other devices at a graded level where available, Also finding some breakglass detectors are xlaiming ro be g3 by there model number but are infact grade 2 etc
  2. No, Eol, Was talking twisting spare pair, for closed loop
  3. Just found downloader after hours of searching, Need a sit down now!!!
  4. I dont see the point to a certain extent,when most panels, with a competent engineer can default,change engineer codes if wanted to take over, so even if companys hide or constantly change codes, seems a big loss of hours
  5. What if you are adding kit to the grade 3 system that isnt grade 3? Perimeter beams for instance? Told its ok we need to right a deviation, makes no sense to me where someone can open a grd3 door contact then break an ungraded beam, ? Is this still a confirmed alarm
  6. I wouldnt use another make, contact door entry direct they are great,get a replacment,
  7. Hi guys, when i commission an intruder alarm i always take a closed loop cable resistance for every detector, but have been "advised"!!!? By another engineer that he has spoken to inspectors who have told him that its fine to just record the zone, tamper res from the zone,ie whats shown on the keypad, i feel somones being a little idle, Would love to see your views on this,and if anyone else feels this is also ok,?
  8. Does anyone know if this little programme is still available to download?
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