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Everything posted by SentryAlertSystems

  1. Literally tamper every device one at a time too.
  2. I used to enjoy pulling a system apart and starting from scratch on take overs. Takes a fraction of the time if there are two of you though and half a day to do it thoroughly, which you don't often get anymore. I was the only engineer in the company at first so it made sense to know every system inside out. Rarely touch alarms now.
  3. If you were the owner of a national company say and your code was being dished around publicly on a Facebook group, what would your response be??
  4. Is an electricians group.
  5. Discussion on a FB group at the moment. It's a closed group but no questions are asked when signing up. Someone asked the question wether it was right or not for people to be sharing out engineer codes as freely as has been happening. Seems to be some mixed responses. I know my opinion, just want to get people's responses on here. What is the legality involved in a group like that?
  6. Just thought I would update this post as it may be of help to someone in the future when using idmss or gdmss. turns out to be streaming profiles, when configuring the app for third party cameras you need to select 'main view' instead of 'extra'. 'Extra' view is obviously an streaming profile that only works with Dahua cameras.
  7. I don't see why the creditors can't give Greece an extended grace and cut some of the debt off, at least you'd stand some chance of getting repayed. ECB being too stubborn and shooting themselves in the foot in my opinion. At least the IMF has started to admit the deal needs to be restructured.
  8. Anyone got a spare €50,000,000,000 they want to lend Greece for the next 3 years??
  9. Every motorway in Britain lads, your all screwed! Don't be presumptuous on the long term business aspect.
  10. Not trying to be a hero, just giving a little insight to the stresses of being a sub and getting regular work coming in. I'm no fool and I have no interest working like this forever but for now we are building and keeping a grip on the contracts we manage. I'd like to be managing installs and over-seeing projects in the future, I understand that smashing jobs like this isn't sustainable forever.
  11. Guys, you're taking this way out of proportion hahaha, I've been slacking most of the week and on double days, cheer up God damn it!! lol. Bedtime, alarm set for 4:30, would love to stay up and chat. Hopefully will be done by 11am tomorrow, need to put ones feet up haha
  12. Just don't step into a shop refit on a night shift, you'll be on the phone to hse in minutes lol. Honestly, it's just been a hard week, not always like this. The project we're on is one that can not fail and its not a building site either, nor is it working at height.
  13. It's rough with the smooth. Site work is usually 7am till 7pm at the very latest, staying in hotels and home early on Friday (you'll find most electricians work these hours too)
  14. I was home at 11:30am today and had plenty of rest if that makes you feel any better?
  15. You can't just make a statement like that and not suggest why
  16. In fairness mate, I usually stay in hotels, just this week I had to drive home.
  17. We have easy weeks and hard weeks, just been flying along lately. tomorrow and Saturday combined I'll be getting 16 hours for about 4 hours work all in all so can't complain lol.
  18. It's not that they "allow" us to work those hours, most of the time they have no clue where we are or what we're doing. As long as their contracts run smoothly, customer happy, jobs finish on time, everyone's a winner. Can let anyone else step on your turf.
  19. My week so far as a subbie. Left house at 3:30am monday, drive to Birmingham, start work at 5:30am finish at 17:00, three hour drive home, leave at 5am the next day to go to Staines, work until 18:30, two hour drive to Birmingham, stay away for night, on site at 5:30am, finish at 17:30, three hour drive home, 5am this morning, back to Staines, then over to Southampton for the afternoon, Southampton tomorrow and again on Saturday. Picking up callouts in between, emailing constantly all day, staying on top of the other five large installs we have finishing in the next two weeks, fighting with site contractors, fighting for the hours on jobs, fighting to get equipment sent out correctly to every site, fighting for payment on time, fighting an over stressed monitoring station/tech support to get everything commissioned correctly, the battle goes on and on and on. Actually a good week as I've been home two nights out of three. There are two types of subbies, ones which float around on average day rate, picking up jobs from medium size companies, easier life in some respects but has the risk of being picked up or dropped when needed and you're actually not much better off for all of your troubles in the long run. Then you have subbies which are in it to make it into a buisiness. To be this kind of sub-contractor you have to have the experience and the right contacts right from the word go. It's no good just doing 6 years of install and expecting to know every aspect of running a project and co managing a contract at the same time as installing it and dealing with the rest of the shizz. You have to go over and above what's expected, you need to position yourself so that you're invaluable and can't be easily replaced and get on contracts which normal day to day engineers can't cope with. Or you could be lucky like me and partner up with someone who is already well established.
  20. Setting up hundreds of devices across hundreds of sites on VPN WAN not a problem. Set up one device on one homehub router, falls apart. DHCP to router first and then use that as a static address, the way forward. Is it possible the router holds on to settings from devices which have previously been at that address, and it causes some kind of confliction? Everything worked fine on the LAN and the NVR had internet connection for P2P. Really don't understand what I had set up wrong.
  21. Sorted my issue in the end. Spent another 1.5hrs today trying everything but no success, had an epiphany, set the recorder to DHCP, set the port forward profile to the devices new I.p., worked instantly. What a ball ache. didn't even resolve the issue with the camera not working on the gdmss app so went back to P2P anyway. Logged back into P2P, bang, camera pops up on the screen. FFS...
  22. The perspex bubble, yea. Was being modest by saying 'just' out of focus. Was like putting your nans reading glasses on. All in all a good camera though
  23. Anyone ever fitted a camera where you have to deliberately set the camera just out of focus to compensate for the curvature of the hemisphere? #american dynamics
  24. There is a telnet command I found on the plusnet forum which apparently stops the remote management from timing out on the 582n.
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