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Marco Simoes

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  1. Hi, James, I'm open to that. Can you please tell me your e-mail so we can talk and I can present my company. Thanks
  2. Thank you all for your answers. I've seen HKC and already contacted them, but it seems they don't have much interest to export to Portugal, since they did't replied to any e-mail I've sent. Still I'm going to try to contact them by phone. Pyronix, is my last resort since I have to make a deal with one of my competitor to sell Pyronix because they have exclusivity to Portugal, but if it's a brand that is worth it I'll do it. Scantronic, I'm doing some tests with it right now, the panels seem to be like the old ones in terms of reliability. But I'm a little apreensive with their wireless capabilities despite being 1 way. The distance that the detectors seem to cover is very short. I've done some tests with one detector and with just one wall in the way it barely reached 15 meters... very short distance compared with the competition. Still I don't have any experience with this panel on site, so maybe you can give me your opinions if this is true. Thank you P.S - If you remeber any other good brand, please do tell.
  3. Hi all, Hope you can help. I need your opinion. I'm opening a new distribution company here in Portugal, but I'm having some trouble getting a good brand to represent both in Wireless and wired control panels. Brands like Risco, Bentel, DSC, Texecom, Honeywell are already taken by my competitors... right now I can get Scantronic and their I-ON lineup, but since I never worked with this panels (only worked with the old ones 9448 and so on) I don't have an oppinion formed about them. It's also possible to get the Pyronix enforcer panel but I don't have also any opinion formed about it. I'm also open to any opinions about other brands that you've worked and recommend. Thank you for your help. Regards
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