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  1. def hik doesnt have syncronos playback meaning if you forward or jump to say 7am only that 1 camera with a red box around it will move forward the rest will continue to play from original time (12am)
  2. Ive got Hik, uniview and serage apps and all but the serage when on playback mode on the app only playback 1 camera at the same time, you can see others but then when u select another camera the previous pauses Hence the change of brand
  3. only reason i prefer serage is 4 cams to be viewed through the app. everything else is just 1 cam on playback, small thing but just feature we want I know the Hik db can do rtsp but never used it, hik have sent the rtsp guide just going to read it and see Also have checked with them and DB doesnt support onvif
  4. But i wont be using a HIk DVR brand, will be either Uniview or Serage
  5. lol what do you guys use, dahua?
  6. Hi all, i have a hikvision KV6113 - WPE1 C doorbell Im upgrading my DVR which is also going to have some IP cams added and want to pull the stream of the doorbell in. Am i limited with which recorder can i use or can i bring the stream into any DVR which also has Ip cams added?
  7. You stars loll That's what we want instead of various fobs from different brand or even at l3ast diff frequencies etc.. maybe 2 different types max 3 Considering the same tags works on galaxy, Eaton, scantronic, gardtec, visonic etc.. Sorry to revive old thread aswell
  8. Lol this would be wicked if it was dumbed down enough for me haha On thr same token however is there not a thread about the various prox tags for alarm systems?
  9. hey all, normally use 4 x 3/4 screws for the D/c's and just wondering what is the best size drill for these - most of the ones i used to use i think were either 2 or 2.5mm Looking to get a couple of bits for the impact and just use that instead of the combi Thanks
  10. People got a new laptop running win 11 Pro and on my older 1 with thr plug ins I could see various dvr and nvrs through chrome and even ieInstalled chrome plug in and can't see the live view, installed ie plug in for Edge and the same dvr worksIs chrome now dead for live viewing??
  11. When you say multi format, is that it can read mifare and normal 125khz tags on the same reader Or it can ready different khz tags? Sound even more confusing lol Surprised no one has asked this question before on here, as it could be saving us installers some money than giving to Paxton etc..
  12. net 2 mate, will double check on thurs aswell just to be sure thats what i thought with the hi tag 2 only issue with the chicklets is if they break off the chain as so small so a bit 50/50 about them
  13. Afternoon all, any alternatives to the very expensive paxton fobs Ive tried some of the visonic chicklets and the texecom prox tags - and they do work with the reader but any others which you can buy from ebay or amazon??
  14. NVR is DS-7616NI-K2/16p, ptz's are DS-4225-IWDE. Probably going to be a total of 3 PTZ. Think thats more than the NVR can put out really
  15. Evening all, new member on here so hopefully can get some good info and give some outJust wanted to find out for IP systems mainly HIK, do the PTZ (mainly DE range) need extra power, like 24 ac or even Hi-POE or is the 16 channel NVR enough to give out power?Thanks
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