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james.wilson last won the day on March 15

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About james.wilson

  • Birthday 18/02/1977

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  1. 1000m is best possible case with nothing in the way. Bricks pipes foil plasterboard insulation all massively reduce this figure. Only way is to test
  2. Yeah just get the unit only and it will clip in.
  3. You also need to exit engineers for it to find the new keypad
  4. bought a 2nd hand monster one. Charities get rid every 3 yrs etc Its been flawless and i use it to print the village newletter etc 88000 pages in the last 18 months just on that. But ive tried to go as paperless as possible so print a lot less than we did 5 yrs ago. Not cos im green just for money reasons
  5. id asssume then wired into the inputs.
  6. the nice rf module would be plugged in here. As i should it isnt so im assuming your not use nice rf remotes
  7. as i said above the nice rf module isnt fitted also the nice aerial isnt wired in
  8. as far as i can see the nice rf reciever isnt fitted. Is it the faac module? Got a pic of a remote?
  9. I think the powermaster is 2 way. powermax was 1 way but adt group own it now, may default to different. Dont know whouldnt touch it
  10. No makes no difference. Sounds like a failed detector
  11. If its only when fully zoomed out it's probably seeing the edge of the lens. Buy I larger format lens is another option
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