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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. good can send to most things 30k+. average that thinks is good 26 ish
  2. so 20+ then, bet there isnt much left electronic that old in most houses
  3. i dont know the panel but outputs are usually 400mA or less
  4. speak to BBV they will have a converter
  5. only has to do 8 as its pre en
  6. I'm not knocking it as a product its a very caperble and solid product.
  7. years ago I thought it was toy town, then mr h sent me a manual. nice bit of kit but still shocked why pro installers use it
  8. you have a ksw input on a panel that is a bit past it. I doubt anyone could keep it going
  9. if your gonna change things please be funny
  10. on a serious note its a ksw not a native from something that old?
  11. I've seen lots of inside jobs. Often removed and sellotape together from the office is preferred. Clear lacquer and white spray paint on sensors. Usually though cause a reason to fail set. Must just be brum
  12. I preffered the fire proofing kits of the older one there was pictures would be an Instagram meltdown today....
  13. yes but that's part of why. It wasn't a mirror
  14. that was my point well missed on a serious point yes was supposed to be dummys
  15. There were many debates on sound pressure vs freq db is easy but sounding loud is different Ill stop before my arf gene kicks in
  16. I have a handful in the memory draw. Along with lots of other stuff I should make it a bin really
  17. those days were polycarb had to be used by approved, Was only the one then, poly prop was used cos it was cheaper. Who would of thought 50p on a bell cover would be an issue....
  18. first box we used was the flashguard 11 then I built them. then after that would be the armourflash, then ventcoft this is starting to sound like 'back in the day children I used to know something about alarms' I see a police investigation..
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