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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. you need to call your service provider they will send someone as it shouldn't have an issue with a small power cut.
  2. its often an insurance requirement, users on commercial should very barely have a legit reason for omitting on arm
  3. rulland, you could peel it with a flat blade though?
  4. do you mean omitting a circuit during a set period or overriding faults etc?
  5. IMO yes PD6662 was definetly required in the early days, some think its time is (was) coming to an end. But one issue we have in the uk is should/shall normative/informative. Everywhere else only enforces the normative parts. We don't due to NSI, SSAIB interpretation etc.
  6. other options bsia is just one but yes bsia has a fee
  7. alarmcom, if you want your voice heard get involved. Not involved and moaning is like not registering to vote. You have no voice and have to leave it to those that do have one
  8. ah ok, the panel is telling you its too late, you should of took care of me. Get a new pcb ready for when you don't change it as you should
  9. replace it before it fails surely, do you want your tyre markers set to 0.2mm too?
  10. absolutely nothing but that is why we need pd6662 to allow us to do it here if we want. I really don't see any momentum to drop 5013x suite but ill see next time
  11. no maybe not but nsi etc have a voice at bsi but not bsia.
  12. I know. I will have to see how the debate goes at the next meeting. It hasn't really been discussed other than informally etc
  13. But the manufacturers view will be different they wont want to develop product to different standards ie 4737 and 50131 etc
  14. FYI statements from BSI and BSIA http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e431c483321f841b0e8b7feea&id=34e682a6fa&e=9e83515002 http://www.bsia.co.uk/LatestNews/tabid/87/ctl/NewsItem/mid/431/Id/181/Default.aspx?returnurl=%2fdefault.aspx
  15. i do think this will become more of an issue, but while insurers see them as the same and are more worried about flood it wont make a headline
  16. didnt yale rebadge the scantronic 500r?
  17. it will lock out because the panic is still in alarm. you need to restore that alarm first at the button
  18. most tat on the web side needs ie in a very weak security setting but no i dont recognise it sorry
  19. you have tried all option since the 9th? id assume looking it it wants activex, you done the admin rights and trusted zone gamble?
  20. it should still be there but it may be a trade only one?
  21. sia is an American signalling format all that is in 50136 is transmission time, end to end reporting etc. Not the actual protocols used as such
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