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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. Is the cam outputting video on its pal output?
  2. Labour included or bottom line 80%?
  3. You shouldn't be able to trip over it, it should be on the wall
  4. so best we have this bit of test gear generally. Is it something i could use and understand?
  5. Again I have no idea what either of you are on about?
  6. Yeah or it will only be 100meg on the wan port of the draytek you can use 2 pairs for the 100 meg for the draytek and 2 pairs for your unit back to the wan facing router.
  7. Put a switch on the ethernet wan port if the dratek and bypass it, port forward on the internet facing router
  8. no, ofcom sold a freq for a load of money that now affects your system.
  9. i expect issues as the 4g roll out continues. Unfortunatly to ofcom the number of mobile devices is higher than our kit
  10. there will be a new freq for us coming. being done now.
  11. Yes id expect issues ahead. From discussions (that I understand as some are really technical)868MHz is a sideband of 900MHz. But it was believed the transmitted ie phone etc had to be fairly close to the transceiver etc
  12. Jim has cyber played with your spt's
  13. id assume its not just csl that are lax, its long been roumored, where next?
  14. surely in our industry we should be top of our game
  15. If self certing is part of it what's the point of 3rd party certification?
  16. Im sure we can find one from the field but surly a 2300 is a 2300?
  17. ah i see so im assuming thats all the grade shifts then? Part Numbers CS 2200 DualCom GPRS G2 (+ SIM Card, NVM) and CS2058 box aerial). CS 2210 DualCom GPRS G2 (+ SIM Card, NVM) and CS2057 ext. aerial). CS 2300 As CS2200 but to Grade 3 standard CS 2310 As CS2210 but to Grade 3 standard CS 2400 As CS2200 but to Grade 4 standard CS 2410 As CS2210 but to Grade 4 standard No
  18. looks like secure it all is there and dont use their sims
  19. There is a british standard for arc's BS5979. You need a secure building concrete walls etc, standy generators etc etc.
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