I can get sme to spoof a mac address via a script. Id rather not make it permanent and have a migrated way to restore after failure, ie not using the mac address.
But i can get you going monday but it will only work till rebooted.
A line cut on a low security system will cause absolutely nothing to happen, but when you get back and disarm and find you have been burgled it will tell you on the display you have a line failure
New reg coming so you won't be able to use carp cable anymore, I posted the document in trade
Also you will have voltage drop and data issues if it's really bad, copper cqr is about 10 ohms per 100m, decent cca higher, carp cable could be 200
charlie, cmon mate there has been loads of posts showing that 2 way systems can communicate in both directions.
Either answer the question on gear asked about or ill close the thread cos its going nowhere
so how is that 2 way?
2 way in its basic form and we are at that
how is listening better or more equal to more than 1 way
are you saying the more i shout at you the better you hear and ill assume you did and stop, or a whisper, then a chat etc.
a 2 way conversation is better than a 1 way one unless your ..... insert joke