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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. In my case 9 Yr old ahd unit does 4 way playback in app and 16 way if wanted on pc.
  2. Smartphone app vs pc app? The 1 way playback on phone app is probably a bandwidth thing unless dual stream recording
  3. test it with VLC i dont like hik either but if it can rtsp you should be able to get it on nvr
  4. definetly a cable per device. I would also go for 8 core the cost difference is minimal and means you dont have to worry about future equipment changes etc Not all the same. I wouldnt touch a veritas but they are popular because of cost Yes or look at panels that offer a web server for config. Vanderbilt (acre) do and i believe eaton do too. Plus vanderbilt etc have home assistant plugins when you go past messing with your arduino esp32 etc
  5. HI there
  6. This is the reason you use proper gear. Diy stuff can be disabled but what would you prefer an off switch? Or worse an off code. You have found out that compliant equipment does as it says.
  7. if you remove the mains to the panel does this still occur. This will show if the 'noise' is coming in via the mains supply or another way
  8. agree with the above from 6 id be wary of anyone that would fit the kit of your choice if it isnt their prefered equipment. Panels are similar but for instance i wouldnt touch some as the engineers are not trained on it or have experience so support will become an issue at some point. Also look for how long they have been going, you dont want to go with someone that wont be available next week. This is usually the case with the cheaper firms as they cant afford to survive and end up moving to something else
  9. Everyone has their equipment preference. I for instance like hkc and acre/vanderbilt for controls optex and hkc for sensors etc etc If you ever want to do anything other than turn it on and off via the keypad avoid the basic systems and obviously avoid the diy type ring simplisafe etc Some love texecom though
  10. Engineer manuals are only available here to trade members
  11. hello and welcome to TSI
  12. Scantronic we're bought out by menvier and are now owned by Eaton.
  13. dont think you can set the button as a circuit like you could on the radio rio
  14. can be done on the old radio rio, doubt it can on the portal.
  15. Yes they are let's hope a no light one does too. A poorly maintained system should be decommissioned. Get it powered down then it won't be a nuisance to you or your neighbours
  16. What's the power like? Good battery. Check the 12v is behaving as it should and not too high or low when this occurs
  17. AFAIK the 9448 isn't an eol panel You also shouldn't wire more than 1 sensor to a circuit I'd be interested in the photos. If not eol you can't have a tamper circuit and an alarm circuit on 2 wires. If it is eol you can't make it work as you will have issues when both detw otrs are active unless you have a 6 core between the detecrors I assume it's a daisy chain and not 2 wires at the panel?
  18. What home automation platform you using?
  19. If you don't want it then get it killed. If you do want it then find someone to. We have a boat load of people and pyronix are to blame for this who do want a security system but spend more at Costa.
  20. Looks like you have a tamper on that circuit. What has happened?
  21. Glad your all sorted And thanks for the follow up
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