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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. bear in mind im thinking of the equivalent to the electrical ones. Did they get abused or are they of assitance
  2. Best of luck you joining goncalls union of ultimate fails?
  3. Anti how does it work (wolf) ie you do a night on call and get some etc
  4. If we wernt approved arf id sell logo'ed bells all day.
  5. Its an idea i have that's all, no business idea just something i reakon would be useful. But i need to prove the business case to others. That's all.
  6. Id agree, I'm tried to push this a few years ago and it wad decided there was no demand. Id also pay say a tenner 15 quid per guide.
  7. Yrs but £ are the issue, would you buy one or is it expected for free. If so why?
  8. I know i have aired this before, but would there be any interest in something like the onsite guide for electrical but focused purly on security and en etc. With best practice rather than minimum standard as content. if so is this something you would buy if at the same sort of money as the electrical ones
  9. I do agree, 3rd party certification of product should be mandatory for 3rd party certificated companies. I wonder if our own insurance we carry would have a lower premium based on approval level and all products in use carrying a 3rd party approved cert?
  10. agreed, all it prevents is resetting. Granted its not perfect but id say your work on rf integrity and ats etc is far more valuable. But I guess this is what interested you?
  11. agreed but unfair to compare to modern security requirements was all I was meaning
  12. wow, useless point scored there for the ats
  13. Well depends. If using modems then we use dial back and they call the office, either from a remote request or the customer pressing the relevant buttons. On the higher security stuff we use webways and the data is sent over an ssh tunnel.
  14. but again technistore is just a reset algo. There are easy ways to reset a system than to hack it. It was originally a separate device that wired into the panel. It was then later added to panels as a built in function. Most panels don't even have a seed, ie castle, aritech etc. If you get hold of the software you can reset any panel. Im not a fan of it and once we have all of our estate on udl we will be disabling it.
  15. I remember on the radio Río you adressed it and enabled upto 4 rios. That was done via a keypad connected to the rio. how is it done an the dimension. Plus at what firmware did it supports portals?
  16. never used a portal on a g3. But if its the same as the g2, you will need to get the serial number into the circuit you are using.
  17. Goncall i don't see an issue with anything mr g is doing. If ive missed ought let me know Ps feel free to go on strike.
  18. Not related to you in anyway ade so you can miss the read.
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