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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. Go back to disconnecting. Remove all from the panel to the dialler apart from 1 trigger. As al-yeti and I have said. This stuff does work, I wouldn't use pstn but that's a later subject. Remove ALL triggers but 1
  2. I meant it shouldn't do it, it's broken somewhere. Also due to age it doesn't have a timer in the external bell. The petite is a solid panel unless you have a 5.can you post a picture of the panel to confirm?
  3. It's very old, probably 30 It shouldn't go off when there is a power cut
  4. I'd try 1 trigger at a time. Just start with intruder then once your happy it's working add more
  5. Interesting topic, are you suggesting rules have been bypassed due to extreme circumstances at the moment are you saying there is a requirement that hasnt been met? I am expecting a flood of compensation claims due to covid, your mobiles won't stop between the 'asked to work while furloughed' 'forloughed unfairly' and 'not forloughed when you should of been'. It will go on for years.
  6. First off you need to get to a know state. I'd disconnect your triggers and meter what they do when. Maybe a picture of the current wiring etc before you disconnect
  7. I doubt you can do a short recap. Passing information isn't an issue apart from showing any information to level 1 users. It's the arming and disarming that's the issue.
  8. It will go into tamper yes. Consider its age and look at upgrading
  9. No sorry they can be inverted Trigger Levels [4] The three inputs (IP1 to IP3), and the inhibit input (INH), can be individually programmed as active high (+ve trigger) or active low (-ve trigger). An active high input will trigger the Informa when the voltage present at the input exceeds 3.5V (maximum is 15V). An active low input will trigger the Informa when the voltage is less than 1.0V. a) Press [4] to change the Trigger levels. The 4 LED’s show the trigger level of inputs 1 to 3, and the inhibit input, respectively. A lit LED shows that the input is programmed as active high. b) Press keys 1 to 4 to toggle (switch) the trigger level of the inputs, between active high (+ve trigger) and active low (-ve trigger). c) Press [PLAY] when finished, or [QUIT] to ignore any changes. The Informa automatically resets to top level of the Engineering controls
  10. Has this started happening recently? ie did it used to work. What exchange are you connected to and are you aware of BT pstn switch off? Sorry just read the OP Id assume you have your triggers wrong way around
  11. Agreed that was my thought. Does texecom have a 30 second comms timer by defaultl?
  12. Was using a real example of what trades cost, if it was security related it would be a 'rip off'
  13. Agreed I know we talk about cost etc but ive just spent £220 on having a plumber tell me my soak away is knackered. There was 2 of em for 2 hours and a jetting machine
  14. I'm afraid ID is long dead. Castle, risco and texecom had modules but the biscuits are long obsolete. Like coal for a gas fire
  15. Thanks for the follow up, as few of us would disable the option it's not something we would know without referring to the manual. Though it was * turns out to be #
  16. You add or remove a star in the users menu for engineer I wouldn't say the afd was suitable. Completion cert would be a better place but yes the author action method isn't defined
  17. Yes but it's a requirement to have user Auth for eng access so turn off with caution
  18. Yes they did the famous zone omit module. Used by us all till software replaced it
  19. use a link to disable the circuit following the shunt lock, no need for a zom
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