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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. As above 6 hours shouldnt cause a problem as long as its installed correctly
  2. Bear in mind it seems daft re engineer codes but that gear you have if it was installed someone is liable if it fails to perform. As equipment honeywell arnt the installer is. Every installer/maintainer has the liability even if it wasn't maintained
  3. I got the alarm collecting stuff that was my sort of wierd, this new thing is wrong tree for me, good luck
  4. good point it does, for some reason i thought it was a classic
  5. No you just enter the engineer code from day
  6. it should be changed for security reasons
  7. Hi Pete You may be better off applying for trade as we dont allow posting of codes and manuals on the public side for obvious reasons. There are also a fair few 'trade area only' members that dont even see the public side of tsi.
  8. Again Id create a topic just for that
  9. Assuming its a flex then you should be able to wire it up. Id suggest you head over to the DIY area and make a post for each bit that your doing, ie data for keypads and expanders. Title it accordingly. If you post with 'ive got all this gear how do i make it work' few people will respond as the reply would be huge!
  10. No iirc the fire input will obviously fire the bells. However you could use deterrent zone option ? I use technical zone on hkc for all my external detectors. However i use fire for my smoke detectors
  11. yes looks like you have another code. Engineer cant do users you need the 'manager' code
  12. agreed texecom, pyronix is where the numbers are at
  13. To prove router etc coukd you use your own phones Access point temp to prove the gear etc
  14. I've got an old oil filter from a 1989 escort only used once Should fit an orion or maybe a sierra
  15. agreed. I prefer sounders than speakers personally, hi-lo's particularly
  16. its long obsolete. you need a 9800 keypad for a 9800 panel, like asking about using a fiat ecu on a citreon engine etc
  17. A speaker is a speaker, ie needs a speaker signal. A sounder needs switched voltage (in our case 12v) to sound.
  18. As above it was many years ago I'd assume the same thing will happen with ring blink etc. Also iirc it was a Motorola rebadge from a visonic unit with firmware that could only use their service sold at a discount on product hardware cost to recoup on the service. Plus to be a customer you must be paying bt to be one?
  19. As above it should be one sensor per input. The old old regs allowed 10 per circuit if latching but that was a hangover from the 70s. I'm a big believer of if you can get a wire to it you should but 10 devices on a wire is worse. If you can't use some form of Id then I'd suggest wireless is better in this case. You could use addressable with hkc and keep the single sensor per point etc
  20. You appear to not have power to the keypad. This could be cable damage, faulty keypad, disconnected in the control panel etc.
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