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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. I rate the elmdene g3 contacts but do use the lst not the little ones
  2. There is no method to do 'variations' for intruder, there should be though. There was a lot of devices that were grade 3 dropped to grade 2 when the rear tamper rules changed
  3. Technically you need to record the resistance of the circuit wiring. If eol that means without resistors etc and definitely not from the uncalibrated panel. Just as you need to do 70 on the motorway
  4. As above if you use a grade 1 component on a grade 3 system the whole system becomes grade 1
  5. Imo it should be a full default, God knows what your inheriting without
  6. Not relevant to any member that has left
  7. if this 0.25A fuse on the board id suggest its the wrong size
  8. Yes you need to risk assess the site regarding what grade system the site needs, but many people just go 'grade 2 that will do' Grade 2 is cheaper than grade 3
  9. bear in mind the honeywell galaxy g2 is a grade 2 (std wise) part honeywell optima gen4 is grade 1 (in fact it may be 4737 id have to look) honeywell dimension is Grade 3 Flex is both G2 and G3 depending on model and config
  10. why what must be as cheap as possible?
  11. Agree with above, plus #9 on some versions didn't actually fire the bell outputs. Test it properly and confirm
  12. The siren will work but as a minimum you need to give it hold off and then a trigger. Why are you wiring it off the comm module not the panel? Or are you trying to connect a proper sounder to p.o.s. EBay thing?
  13. working great vs how things should work are completely different. What you mean is you thought it worked but in reality it didnt worst case you thought it did and relied on it and it didnt please all that read this use a system but know its limits, if you need to know stuff dont use a free one
  14. Great whats the reading?
  15. im not suprised your lucky you didnt damage something. ie the sliding door controller they arnt cheap You need to check whats on those black wires when, i dont have the manual in my hand. Id assume they are designed to go to a lock release not a door controller for a sliding door
  16. what have you connected this to?
  17. i presume you need a clean switch to operate your auto door, is the output a switched 12v?
  18. A few have developed their own solution either because they wanted to move cos of the buyout or historically made the decision to do that years ago.
  19. agreed but im assuming as it was illegal they will go after the directors etc directly
  20. That's how I see it. I'm wondering how long before the adverts start about compensation for working while furloughed
  21. As above loads of discussion in trade
  22. Tamper switch issue probably
  23. The customer app, self monitoring, udl, signalling to arc on both WiFi and GSM. I don't use the engineer app as there is little control and management all udl is done from the office machine and logged etc I can see the engineer app having more use when it is centrally managed. Never had a report of downtime or noticed on my own system. Like the SMS over WiFi on the basic stuff. Also like how it can be pushed to an arc for more conventional monitoring
  24. I use the hkc one.
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