im sure many maintainers have calls for the same when its battery powered stand alone devices, smoke alarms, alarm clocks in draws, heating systems. I even had a call to 'music coming from all rooms with a pir' turned out it was her birthday and she was walking round with a singing birthday card
im not so sure, id say diallers will mostly still function, digi's im less sure about. But imho we shouldnt be using old tech for alarm signalling. id expect a shift to single path sim / dualpath bb and sim for everything going forward. I dont use the built in pstn on my hkc at home etc
id say the 'average' doesnt go that deep. If installing product from the same manufacturer etc then it will work as the testing etc has already been done. Where the good guys do well is knowing how to make x work with y. However most customers dont check on ability or dare I say care.
What's the difference between a wooden socket and mounting it to a wooden surface? I'd be more concerned about the 2nd hand, bin found etc stuff connected to a socket in a shipping container
id say the lightwave option is cheap its a 1 way tech that is horrible to keep reliable. But are you looking at £15 and a plug in device or are you looking to do it properly?
you could use these for straight switches
but id change them into their other mode to keep privacy etc
look into home assistant to do it all yourself
The 3-2-1 backup strategy simply states that you should have 3 copies of your data (your production data and 2 backup copies) on two different media (disk and tape) with one copy off-site for disaster recovery.
granted tape isnt used much anymore but the principle remains, 3 copies of data 2 backups and at least 1 off site
backup left on site is one option, but its like sage, word etc its up to the client to backup unless they are paying for a managed backup solution off site etc. Also should the backup be encrypted if your taking it and its found inside the pc etc