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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. unfortunately your only choice in prosumer world is texecom with their sockets however this might be your issue what is too expensive?
  2. you could use these for straight switches https://sonoff.tech/product/wifi-diy-smart-switches/sonoff-mini but id change them into their other mode to keep privacy etc look into home assistant to do it all yourself
  3. The 3-2-1 backup strategy simply states that you should have 3 copies of your data (your production data and 2 backup copies) on two different media (disk and tape) with one copy off-site for disaster recovery. granted tape isnt used much anymore but the principle remains, 3 copies of data 2 backups and at least 1 off site
  4. Dont know the unit but id try switching the holdoff. Im guessing its an scb by default?
  5. backup left on site is one option, but its like sage, word etc its up to the client to backup unless they are paying for a managed backup solution off site etc. Also should the backup be encrypted if your taking it and its found inside the pc etc
  6. Taking a backup depends on clients data retention etc too. Not a requirement afaik
  7. Agreed, I also feel bad you borrowed something you will never here the end of
  8. Ok so how did you activate it. IIRC on the eurosec the bell can be delayed on certain activations, ie timeout.
  9. When you did the bell test did you check the external bell or stay by the keypad and heard the internal bell?
  10. thats not a wiring issue then, maybe programming, how are you testing it, ie what are you doing to cause a full alarm. What happened when you did the bell test?
  11. ads have been on the public side of tsi for ever, if your previous login didnt have them then that is my bad. Trade members and above dont see ads
  12. I wouldnt want to rely on that 'repair'
  13. if the menu buttons dont work to move through the menu id says its had it.
  14. does it have bottons on the unit. or a data connection, maybe post pictures of all the sides of the camera
  15. It is, assuming its serviced. But if not it can destroy the charging circuit. Same as saying jcb's arnt very good if they are never serviced
  16. is it a programmable one, it probably only has a light level pot
  17. Id say every 5 years is fine. Better to replace before panels report it to prevent damage but modern panels seem to do better with failed battery's than the old dumb stuff
  18. Lol I haven't used leaf tampers for years used to have issues back in 4737 days
  19. What do you mean 'set up'?
  20. As above you need to clear the tamper fault then the system can be reset. It won't reset while the tamper remains active
  21. you sure you dont have power or data issues?
  22. there is something very wrong it shouldnt be doing that
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