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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. Please don't post the same question in multiple threads
  2. It sounds knackered the stars mean no keypad comms but the relay chattering is concerning is send it back
  3. There is an input for the door contact that needs grounding or the unit is in door forced alarm
  4. Emcs should be able to do all that
  5. Door contact input
  6. On that panel if you do a successful arm disarm it clears. Hate the stuff personally. Why you looking at another electrician rather than an an alarm specialist?
  7. No against our rules. Might be available elsewhere but never here
  8. A dualrec is a combined pir and microwave detector. Dual edge or quad etc are just pirs
  9. Vanderbilt spc and I think the dimension but I've never used it on a gall, the old 512 could so I'd assume Bear in mind it will no longer be 6.4.5 if you use both
  10. Do you have cables to these points?
  11. Never worked on the sita but I'd assume the codes are changed
  12. Bear in mind that there is huge differewnces in quality some are downright dangerous
  13. I get pip alerts but I use mythtv
  14. The French don't have a word for duvet Or they can be smothered in cake im unsure on the famous sayings
  15. I thought you already had one?
  16. Depends who you listen to but they all say no it won't, your Merc won't my audi won't it does go on and on... 3 times maybe this is the fourth.
  17. A 4 or 8mp camera has the pickup to support but may have poor lens, chipset etc. You mention your 5k screen I'm assuming this has a price point etc. Buying cctv on frontend pixel count is like buying a car based on bhp alone,meaningless. A decent 2mp camera will give a better image than a cheap 8mp etc etc. Many people compare phone pickups to what good dslr can do. Just bear in mind it's never about pure specs
  18. try putting just a resistor accross the alarm pair and check it shows correctly
  19. Have dd and h had a bad day?
  20. Making it work isn't fixed. You can bypass it but it is low grade stuff
  21. If you have read it I believe it says how to apply and what is needed there is no cost to trade we just have to know that you are
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