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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. does your external bell ever sound, ie is the bell trigger connected or failed? temp connect the bell trigger wire to hold off -ve and it should sound. If it doesn't you have an issue with your bell or cable. Then look at why the bell output isn't working.
  2. Which cameras as I wouldn't call hik pricey?
  3. As above you need a panel that does silent part set then chime on arm end
  4. I'd say Kyocera for value Hp for everything else
  5. They will say Redcare or Dualcom as if they are the same. Loads of redcare gsm removed for Dualcom g2r
  6. agreed is worse, but the OP wont be alone thinking it was a good thing to buy Lets help if we can
  7. As above I doubt anyone here has worked on the kit you have.
  8. a what? Is this proper stuff? maybe a picture of the pir's but response is horrible diy stuff
  9. Agreed old skool redcare needs a bt line. I'd clarify your signalling device with the company
  10. it wont respond you powered it down
  11. zone omit notification to the arc
  12. I would assume its a limpet
  13. programable channels?
  14. yes without actually seeing it etc to confirm it sounds goosed
  15. I doubt a basic panel like the veritas can but there maybe a programmable output. On the better panels you can
  16. that part of the alarm is active all the time unless you isolate it temporarily with the shunt module. Maybe concern about little ones finding a key and getting to them
  17. even though the system is not under a contract it will need to be reprogrammed to stop it dialling, ie disable the communicator also pstn lines can now cause digicoms (I assume your communicator type) to 'runaway' and keep dialling to deliver a test or signal until they com fail, usually 8 times every time it tries. It can then try to deliver a comm fail and the circle goes on and on etc
  18. Points save using real zones. Irish fw is different to UK but UK allows zones to be used with rf even if expanders are not connected
  19. Your confusing what zones are imo If your using points 50 to 59 then you can't use zone 5 Once all your zones and points are running correctly you will use the point/zone options per device to remove from part set a and b. You don't 'map' anything
  20. It sounds like you added it to a point. You cannot also use that zone if using points. Just change the point options for that device as if it was a zone
  21. You don't if it's a point assign point options If you assign as a zone then do that but it's one or the other Points you can have 10 on a zone each identified individually
  22. Program the external bell as something else And yes
  23. I doubt most would 'rip you off' but I'm sure all would charge to come out
  24. I assume its like a vibration sensor but I'd expect noise on the cables to cause issues at 1ms
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