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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. It's not a brilliant bit of kit I assume its been a self service?
  2. You can't make a keypad do that. It's not permitted to show any detail to a level 1 user ie non permitted user. That's why it beeps etc till a level 2 user proves presence, code or fob. Regulation issue
  3. Agreed and its very cheap
  4. are you sure the doc is wrong?
  5. no its to make sure the code entry is clear. Always tell clients the code is 0xxxx then they cant cock up code entry
  6. cant use 0 in code as its the clear button as a side note use 5 digit codes g2 as 9 available digits doesnt give 10000 differs
  7. save your money for pop corn vs that
  8. assuming as you say 0abcd then its not on default codes. But I only know the uk panels and they may have different defaults. I think they are printed on the pcb in the aerial area. if the code was correct it wouldn't wait for any more digits
  9. What makes you say that?
  10. Yes all good but the end user registration could be slicker imo
  11. Client or professional risk assessor
  12. Because if comms are enabled for part set may as well use the bell output
  13. Could you use an intruder output with a 15 min confirm timer and then disable comms in part set. Afraid I don't know the panel at all
  14. impressive buildings
  15. why not use a hdmi to dvb modulator. A decent hdmi extender will work but im struggling to find a v2.1 on at 15m for my own house or even a 2.1 cable I have heard of some success using fire sticks and the recorder android apps but never tried it. I use mythtv and zm fed from a sw ahd dvr over rtsp
  16. On hkc you can't access engineers without user authorisation everytime via the keypad. The bells thing is non compliant and an issue I have if you use the default bells only option. Engineer access needs authority regardless of proper comms etc
  17. I'd assume the app is moved to the new maintainer?
  18. I know this won't go down well, but if anyone buys from someone that is too cheap they probably won't be able to afford to be around for long. I'd suggest you find a company that has been around for more than 5 years
  19. The panel will try to find anything it can on engineer exit
  20. mike you can add contacts to your signature but not in post
  21. are they on a 6 core leaving the panel?
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