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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. Also the tamper return will be pos on that panel
  2. if its a small room less than the radius to all walls then yes
  3. Is it a part 1 system. I'm assuming it is as it has call points on it? Are you the maintainer?
  4. be cautious as the regs are huge. But yes a smoke has a radius of 7.5m and heat 5.3m but that has to cover every area. This is for part 1. I dont know the regs at all on part 6 and never work on them
  5. I'd bet you have blown the output fuse
  6. Iirc it depends on how many the panel supports
  7. To extend, any panel pretty much will do work with your sensors. But if you wanted to know a recommendation as to the easiest to use panel that can also do xy and z etc etc
  8. It's not as simple as that. Think of the question, what's the best car?
  9. Agreed but if the foil was no longer available it couldn't be used. I see that old stuff worked well and this is a prime example that it was. But i assume 6 your not using tsi via a modem or a direct leased line etc. Times change and I think pstn for anything is past it least of all something possibly important
  10. Will pstn be like pressure mats, ultrasonic, foil, tube and wire etc etc. I'm sure the same debates existed. Even csl know pstn is passed it I've never known a time it did
  11. I'd say test phones are not needed anymore and even less so going forward. Was useful in the old days I haven't carried one in years. Downside is I need to workout what's going in its cutout place in the case
  12. Installed no
  13. Agreed the euro mini has positives but few optimas or accentas fail. I'd put an xm6 up against pretty much anything else for longevity Mr h isn't a panel snob, he made me accept the Premier was a decent panel
  14. Don't see any issues with the accentas etc. Sia have loads of optimas still supported
  15. Fuses tend to blow for a reason tho
  16. Hi
  17. iirc it was a cef rebadge could be a 700l or a optima etc. Can you post a pic of the panel/keypad?
  18. funny how none of the diy places have yale systems protecting the yale stock...
  19. id recommend you call whoever services it.
  20. sounds like an external sab tamper issue without its internal battery connected. Turning all power off should make your external sounder activate
  21. james.wilson


    When was it last serviced?
  22. It's a copyright document so not posted please
  23. Re dpd must be local as from all I've used been one of the best
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