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Everything posted by james.wilson

  1. you will need to use matching ones if you are using more than 1 per circuit. I'd go for the viper
  2. Unfortunately making a profit and surviving seems a bad idea to some. But its the clients that loose out. Sia have just saved a fair few as the installer hadn't paid the monitoring bill for a fair while.
  3. I would think most started up. But people tend to do this on price, ie ill do it cheaper etc which just reduces margin. I knew of a firm that were charging £28 a year for monitoring digi. No longer around
  4. how long do you think a few hundred contracts that renew will take you to build?
  5. my 2p i don't see why the installer would want to stop you adding devices. It may be new to them etc id ask them to change it. But i don't know Pyronix gear so it may not be possible
  6. most fail Imo no reason it won't work but you would be on call 247 365 with only a handful of contracts
  7. also looks to be low grade signalling. I'm assuming this was adt installed but not with them anymore?
  8. amps you seem to infer that people care about security? If that's the case then its also about the backend too. ie not using dropbox for customer data. No data on the google linked phone?
  9. can you upload the log, its seems odd if on extended reporting you got the open as it was ripped off. As above what communicator, arc and polling rate is setup?
  10. system or component? Ie detector, control panel comms device etc
  11. Green and orange Not for POE cams. You would need to add an endpoint. Id just power the other one locally either POE or 12v etc
  12. if it was working before you connected things to it then id disconnect everything but the keypad and see how it is
  13. Imo easy way, if it's got an external door or fire door or change of level its an escape route. Also any corridor or area with areas of it
  14. friedland bell id guess. Prob a 240v neon too.
  15. as above what is your aim or you google webmastering if your search phrase works?
  16. a cd anything is well old why you wanting to resuscitate it?
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