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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. duffbeer, landlords be they private or whatever have this tendency to 'not give things away'. Why remove the existing system..it's not yours to remove..it belongs to the landlord unless you have a document expressing that it is a gift... highly unlikely. If the landlord is the local council they tend to be lenient on the odd occasion, so ask them for permission to install your own system without interfering with the other..there may be crosstalk if you installed a further wireless system so it would probably need to be hardwired (comments anyone ?). I agree with Norman since it is virtually a member of the fixtures and fittings catalogue.
  2. "...Shunt for starting the entry time is the most secure..." sorry, that's what I meant, was a common practise at one time.
  3. EU law overrides UK law (what's left of it}.
  4. The SL compact has a small volume control on the main board towards the bottom right which is usually adjusted with a small screwdriver. If the system was installed by yourself go ahead and open the panel, silence with your user code, adjust the volume. However, since this has happened during the normal course of things there may well be some other problem. When was the standby battery last changed - although this may have nothing to do with it, just asking out of curiosity. Have you had the builders in for any reason, ensure that only two lights are showing..red and green..There are any number of reasons for a tone suddenly changing I would therefore agree with Admin..remove the mains supply (a fuse in a white box close to the panel), remove the battery, give it say thirty seconds and connect battery first then mains. Let the site know the results.
  5. "...shunt locks should be preferrred imo..." Aah ! the good old days of Chubb five lever and so on. Should never have been changed. There was something along those lines in BS4737 at one time if I remember correctly...Final Door Set ..and also..Unset ?
  6. I should imagine the changes would be on their website duffbeer. I'm still saving my sheckels for the 'licence to view' though. No smoke without fire as they say, so for my own part I believe there is a lot in what the site experts say or suggest..can't afford to be without my camcorder.
  7. Hit the nail on the head there Petrolhead, good call. I've looked it up and your description fits almost perfectly.
  8. Datafussion, Is this a cradled eeprom on this panel or does he need to get the soldering iron out ?
  9. I would need to see it in, or not in, writing first. They could have had the system installed after the property was built.. hope the original PO gets back to us on it though.
  10. Rumbled because of my towel, I'll be more careful in future...and I might just consider the vacuum cleaner idea, it's workable.
  11. It's not so much access to the account though. I've had bits 'n' bobs from China and the USA thinking that everything was dandy, but my bank put a surcharge on the amount paid because (in their opinion) it was a foreign transaction..didn't pay all that much extra but it was probably a quid of two. I might be over the top on the China bit, nothing against them but I would prefer to deal in the U.K. Regarding the unit, just doesn't fit right with me somehow..would have to give it a miss..especially at a quid..something's not right (open to comment though!!)
  12. Well thanks for that Goncall.
  13. "....ive had that exact happen, got know where with it..." I know exactly what you mean, although there have been several times in the past when I almost succumbed to ' taking the law..' as it were.
  14. Fair comment
  15. Nice one Petrolhead.
  16. If he is paying extra on top of his rent then it is not free. I can recall our local council many years ago inviting people to have central heating fitted in their homes for a nominal fee on top of their rent and one in particular paid for that luxury several times over during the course of years...and like this current security system it was only half complete.
  17. Well that's a very valid point Admin2 and it's appreciated. With the possible exception of the disabled though, there are times when I must stick by my personal viewpoint as expressed in my first post on the subject. Let me put it another way, If a customer does not use the correct code each time and every time, then either he/she has not been given user instructions over and above those supplied with the panel or they have been mis-sold and shouldn't have a system in the first place if it is causing false alarms due to the user. A monitored alarm should not false alarm on incorrect code since the arc procedure can avoid it. I would be interested to learn how the police have arrived at your statistics though!
  18. Explain Norman, explain..don't keep me in suspense.
  19. Had a glance. It's from HonK KonK..although that's not always a bad thing you would probably be paying far more than a quid when your next bank statement arrives... Looks as if it's been thrown together, even if it were 12 volts I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole.
  20. They (them that do govern) only need a chance and I'm paying an invisible tax, yet another one. Audio next to a Master Bedroom, views of the same neighbour, pointing a camera directly into a neighbours house are positively 'not on' and prison would be more appropriate than a fine for the offender..although he/she would then have three square meals a day, x box, television, sports hall, dental treatment, library, mobile phone (yep ! mobile phone although they shouldn't)...On second thoughts I would rather deal with the offender personally.
  21. He could be paying 'indirectly' if there is a surcharge on his rent.
  22. Fair comments one and all, not entirely convincing though. Think I'll stand by my previous post.
  23. RichL "... I would add that if the back door is not a timed entry zone then it does not need a contact.." There may be several occasions where this would be absolutely correct, however, this is the very door I would most definitely secure..together with rear windows. Since this is a tenanted property, he may or may not have third party rights on this occasion, it's open to debate. Is there some sort of surcharge on the rental agreement for having a security system ? I would suggest that with a skimpy system of this nature I wouldn't bother paying it, and if I were paying it I would insist on extra security features free of charge (no extra payment for further detectors). Duffbeer, I would suggest that you read your home insurance contents documents.
  24. How old is it..when was it installed ? sounds like a program issue.
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