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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. It's a good idea Norman but I have the feeling you're pulling my leg again !!
  2. Best of luck on that Luggsey, only wish I could help. On another note I'll be looking at your amateur radio forum later, hope it includes common or garden CB.
  3. I am probably in the minority but is it too much to ask someone to take two or three steps from their front door and punch in four numbers on a keypad..in that way you can avoid losing your proximity tags and take some exercise into the bargain. The only time they are of any use is for disabled people.
  4. I can look forward to purchasing my annual licence to use my video recording equipment then !! I'm not joking. So, I'm sitting watching the Isle of Wight(spelling ?) rock festival on television and the cameras pan to close ups of virtually hundreds present at that festival over the time period of the festival. Is this deemed invasion of privacy according to the various statutes...if not...why not ? And how do you define "...the STATUS of the user.." ? landed gentry..MPs..and so on..please explain. I hasten to add that I and virtually the entire population of that land can video freely in public in the USA. So yet another invisible tax is on the Horizon in this green and pleasant land of ours in the form of some sort of licence in order to use your few thousand quids worth of equipment..typical.
  5. Fair comment, I think nine years is pushing his luck a bit though.
  6. Have you contacted Visonic, they might already have something. I realise his problem, I need to use a large button mobile.
  7. "...you sound like one of those idealists that wants covers on joint boxes..." Hey, now that's a good idea... When are they going to change the regs so that external warning devices don't need a cover screw ? can't wait !! I have never lost a screw using the fluffy towel..nothing worse than looking in the lounge for a screw you dropped in the kitchen. However, I must go with the times i suppose so the 'pub at 4pm' seems a good idea. I have never lost a screw using the fluffy towel..nothing worse than looking in the lounge for a screw you dropped in the kitchen. However, I must go with the times i suppose so the 'pub at 4pm' seems a good idea.
  8. The charger might be at fifteen volts..although that sounds a bit high to me, but in my experience when the CLR to the battery has gone high value then it prevents any voltage getting to the battery..high value resistor..resistor burnout..means open circuit to the battery (common sense really). Worth putting your meter on the ends of the battery leads though to confirm one way or the other (let me know), but that fifteen volts bothers me considering that the nominal voltage is around 13.6 to 13.8 at the power supply. The other point regarding the battery being overcharged is also puzzling, in a sense, since the psu regulates (or trickles) the charge according to battery condition (the internal cells of the battery represent a resistance also). Without any further evidence I would conclude that the psu is or was trying too hard because of the condition of a battery (Although we must take into account the times when a full recharge is occuring).
  9. I might try that
  10. "....At one time a screw was a requirement in the detector case?.." Phew !! I would have thought that it was absolutely essential, although I've seen a few covers that simply click into place..old gardiner I believe..what's more that particular cover clips into place both the correct way and upside down..and you don't realise it until you test..easily done on those things.
  11. ".......default yes but not by doing a free visit..." If a customer terminates maintenance, or at the end of a warranty period, and request defaulting then there should always be a charge for call out. I doubt if the company are within their legal rights to refuse this though, since the system belongs to the customer.
  12. "...plus there is a screw to lose..." Cover holding screw ? I use a fluffy towel beneath the step ladder so that when, or if, a screw falls it can't bounce.
  13. "....Resistor burns out over time and over charges the batteries..." If we are referring to a current limiting resistor (which is their primary job anyway), when they burn out they go high value which means that they are effectively open circuit thus preventing the battery from recieving it's charge...a common fault when batteries are not replaced. In these circumstances the battery cannot be over charged, in fact it cannot be charged at all... perhaps I am not referring to the resistor in mind. "....thinking that the loose core might be the problem...." There are many circumstances where loose cores are deliberately left unconnected.... When using a six core cable to connect a four wire door sensor trade installers tend to leave the remaining two cores unused but available for further use if needed although it is better to terminate them beneath a spare terminal without stripping the cores...A five terminal sab would see a spare core, although it is usually doubled up at hold of positive.. Best plan, if you see a loose core leave it alone unless you know for certain where it goes.
  14. Hi ACI, can't say I remember you, were you in Rhyl in 1963 ?
  15. "...However any company that no longer maintains a system should be forced to default the engineers code or supply it to the new maintainer in my opinion.." Default it yes, but not supply your own code to the new maintenance company.
  16. I've been called out to these in the past...strange noise coming from the panel....duff smoke detector situated nearby. Sometimes this low droning noise is precisely what Mr. Happy says..seen that a few times too... why isn't there a standby battery in the panel ?
  17. Why do you think it wouldn't work, it's normally closed ?
  18. ADT (American District Telegraph) is probably the oldest surviving company in security, set up in 1871 with less than a dozen central stations...youngsters probably know them by the more familiar term ARC's...and that info is not from wikipaedia !!
  19. ".... I think I willtry a new NVM,.." Don't see the point if you've got it up and running, and personally I wouldn't waste my time looking for a replacement chip. Enjoy the panel as is for now, but give serious consideration to Al-yeti's comments viz; new panel.
  20. Sounds like french Admin2, I think he's spanish.
  21. I agree It's possible, but would need some qualification, what test would you recommend for confirmation ?
  22. Thanks for the confirmation, I work on active for calculation and quiescent for standby,
  23. I agree, in fact almost a 100% certainty.
  24. Quiescent or Active ?
  25. Hello and welcome, Are they still using DSC and Crow in Spain, I've heard of a few out there.
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