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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. Hi Alyeti, I've read the BBC blog,interesting stuff. And people still believe we should be part of the EU.."...we've got to be a member because we'll lose trade,blah,blah,blah..." This little island is no longer ours..it is however a major outpost for the U.S.A.. I am not a ukip member, but I have several books on the EU which contain amazing facts and figures so anyone who has a cast iron reason (backed up by irrevocable evidence)for staying in the EU rather than claiming back our shores please feel free to attack my stance...incidentally the original post referred to police withdrawing response.
  2. Sorry to hear about your gear, my van was cleared out under my nose (virtually) when I reported it they said "...your lucky..we found a car with no wheels last night.." No empathy, almost couldn't care less attitude..And that was long before these so called cuts.
  3. "....any queries please give us a shout..." Low cost cctv system complete including monitor, 2 cameras (one wide angle), exceptional night vision, hard drive minimum 500 gig. For the rear of my own premises.
  4. I appreciate that they won't respond to calls 'five hours after an ipad is missing' (don't agree with it though..they have a duty to the public...and what's more a simple 'ipad response' MAY lead to clearing up a few more unsolved burglaries in the area..if they are thinking on their feet)But what happens when a little old lady phones the police to tell them her alarm is sounding and she can hear intruders downstairs ? Do they just ignore it? ...Bit too political for my liking.
  5. I've misread it, You've made sense of it for me, Goncall. So they respond to the arc as normal then ?
  6. ".....It has auto set enabled for mon-fri mornings. Sometimes I don't need autoset so how can I turn autoset off without having to log into engineers everytime?..." I can't find anything in the operator instructions which allows you to turn autoset off when it has been pre-programmed. "....how can I unprogramme a link?..." Re-program all links... page 98 ? "....strobe pulses in autoset pre warning but it doesn't stop pulsing afterwards when the system is set..." de-program the link.. do you really need a pulsed strobe in this setup ?
  7. "........The public should not expect to see a police officer after crimes such as burglary...." Why are we paying for a urn then ?
  8. resetting the nvm is in the engineer manual
  9. "...Good news for the non badged? Insurers no need for insurers no more discounts ?.." Someone's going to make a few sheckels out of it..Insurance premiums up possibly ? On another note, The police refused to investigate a crime (don't know all the details). Apparently, this character reported the fact to a neighbouring force and they were obliged to look into it.
  10. 0v to common, output to NO (I think!)
  11. On the other hand, let's assume that we are dealing with 'any' panel. If you are not arming the panel, why would you want to by-pass zones 3 and 8 ?
  12. Anyone got any clues on the manufacturer etc, might be able to find it.
  13. Welcome Pawel, what's the problem with the Gen 4 ?
  14. Welcome.
  15. Do they respond NOW ? the only time I see a police car is on the motorway, and even then not that often.
  16. Texecom R8 should do the job, but there's a host of others. Google the warehouses, Moreton, Wholesale Security etc. You should really consider spending some time before making a final decision. Don't go with a panel unless there are about ten recommendations for that panel... just one or two could be biased, you never know, and read all the specifications before buying. I notice in your post though, that you may consider more than one entry route, in my opinion this is not good practise. Best of luck. Tighten up the physical security at the rear of the property.
  17. charlie6

    Hi All

    Hello and Welcome.
  18. Hello Admin, where do I find out what a 21cn line is ? and thanks for the above info.
  19. At post 3. "...Also check that no cable cores are showing outside the body..." me again. Duh!!!
  20. Don't know what the current rules are on this either, but at one time if a 999 dialler (going back a bit !) or a digital communicator wasn't near a socket we would just add one.
  21. "...advertisement should not discriminate.." Is this due to the term 'Multi Skilled' ? just nosey !!
  22. Think I'm going to have to swat up on these regulations after all.
  23. Admin, now I'm seeing Quals AND Regs...So the qualification has to pass the regulation, is that correct ?
  24. Yes, definitely in need of a service, and if you don't know when every single battery was last changed I would treat that as a priority for your service engineer.
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