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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. The 'Main' skill if you asked me !!.
  2. So you don't mind me referring to Regulations as regs then ?
  3. I'll try to get hold of a copy.
  4. Check that the cover has not been damaged, can you 'wiggle' it about ? Also check that no cable cores are showing outside the body. Sounds like a straightforward tamper switch fault.
  5. My apologies..Regulations then.
  6. ".......I know that if you put more than one contact on it would have to be on same zone...." Just wire them in series... if that's OK by the regs ?
  7. I'm afraid you've lost me totally.
  8. I agree with Timmo, although I would tend to remove a piece of floorboard upstairs directly above the intended drop and gauge the possibility of running down behind the cove as a starting point. Sometimes though, a bit of revealed cable is impossible to hide..are you really going to notice a 'teeny weeny' bit in say a month's time ?
  9. Well it's certainly a new 'chat up' line Dick, better than 'do you come here often'.
  10. "...True that, but at least we try and protect our clients unlike some......." Good to see that comment but what do you do to prevent a "..front door bottom panel kicked in" and the intruders gone in about thirty seconds ?
  11. Galaxy Guy "... it would then be easier to trace the person leaking sensitive company information..." Do you mean like British Gas and ADT area codes ? if so, someone on their teams are leaking sensitive information, since I've got most of their engineer codes (I think !!)
  12. Perhaps to save the hassle a straightforward Viper or similar would be adequate.
  13. Hello from sunny Rhyl, forgive my ignorance but 'Custom Technology Systems' sounds like a company name.
  14. It's a bit of 'swings and roundabouts' really. There are occasions when there is no other option but to crash, and others where it is probably easier to find out roughly what the system is 'all about'.
  15. Correct. Got it in one al-yeti. Also seen 4 antique tables removed via front door bottom panel kicked in while the alarm was sounding..less than 30 seconds.. they didn't bother trying to by-pass alarm cable either.
  16. "...The limpet really is just to chime out in case the safe is opened whilst the alarm is unset. I dont want the children playing with the safe..." So basically, what we're saying is that children can open the safe ? is that correct ?
  17. No disrespects intended Admin 2,,I have seen all these 'innovations' introduced including the 'anti foam' false alarming continually in high winds. EOL is not a particularly new technology, nonetheless, I would invite anyone to bypass my twelve core, or eight core for that matter, conventional wiring without sounding the alarm.
  18. It should be in the initial contract that at the termination of that contract the company shall default the engineer code. I know of a few installers who insert that clause. At the end of the day, a customer has bought a product. It belongs to the customer and there should be no 'unfair contract clause'. On the other hand, if the contract stipulates that a customer, on cessation of the contract should pay a nominal sum for default, then so be it. Engineer codes are essentially the private property (in a sense) of the company and should not be divulged. However there is a very fine line (only determined by the intentions of the parties)as to defaulting...
  19. "...30dB Totally quiet night time in desert..." Loved the list but this one is dependant on which desert you happen to be in at night... or does it refer to a particular portion of 'night' when not a lizard is stirring !!
  20. Would need to dig through my old specs (two suitcases full) to be sure of that one's identity.
  21. Don't know anything about regs, but common sense would tell me, in this case. that two contacts are better than one. That said, I think we have discussed this issue in another thread.. I may have responded differently in that one for some reason.
  22. I can see Dick's point regarding response. You can have the finest gprs, dialler, arc etc. in the world. If the response is negative the entire project is worthless (Recent Hatton Gardens Heist ??).
  23. It's a Safe Limpet with a rather old fashioned mechanical shock sensor. The sensitivity of the pendulum is adjusted by means of a screw. Shock sensors of this nature required NC connection. Never come across a Keep and limpet, always thought that a safe limpet was a single unit.
  24. Fair comment Dick, I take it all back. Thanks for the info Abbz.
  25. Thanks for the info Dick, but how is it louder than a Master Blaster.. is it mains driven ?
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