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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. O.K. then. Smoke Detectors.
  2. Thanks Simlec, I accept it but that sounds a bit obvious to me. Surely with all the tecnical innovation about, a pir shouldn't false alarm if it's positioned correctly.
  3. That's filed under 'got to' then. What about price comparisons, I don't need figures obviously but is it on a par with other wireless systems. I have another question to ask but maybe this isn't the right place.
  4. Nice One, Seriously though, I'm learning a lot from you people. Does FA mean false alarm or something like that ?
  5. What is an FA issue ?
  6. Afraid not PSE, I'm just reiterating what is in the posts viz; Install a two way system that works.. I can say however, that I have the full set of commissioning instructions available (haven't needed them so far though). Is there anything in there which is bordering on 'dubious' that I need to know about ?
  7. I'm looking to save face here; There's a hardwired zone on the Wisdom, if the smokies were in that zone then he could terminate the loop; hence, no smokey..doesn't completely solve the problem though.
  8. That's the way I've always done it, obvious really. Well not always, used to stand face to face with the siren blasting away until I put the last tamper screw in.
  9. But Admin said to fit a working two way ?
  10. They shall need to be very cheap after that list. Plastic Screws ? Are they having a laugh or what.
  11. Norman you have one heck of a sense of humour, I appreciate your comment. PSE, thanks for elaborating. Suffice to say the DT8016FS Duel Tech is now in the notebook filed under "Do Not Use". Thanks.
  12. You've had to replace every Quad with a Dual, is that correct ? Is this standard practise, if so, it should be highlighted in their brochures... well before we decide to purchase. On another note there appear to be conflicting views in these posts with some urging 'stay awake' and others 'definitely not' so what is Texecom's unmitigated stance on the matter ?. On yet another note Admin advises 'two way', therefore the iMesh system would appear to be 'one way' ?
  13. ".....total bag of pooh DT8016FS Duel Tech..." I would be interested to learn what precisely is wrong with it. No disrespects intended but, "total bag of pooh" means absolutely nothing to me. Is it giving false alarms for example, possibly it's range isn't as advertised, maybe you can not set the pir and microwave seperately in order to obtain a perfect pattern, etc. etc. I don't have a decent reply to your post, nonetheless I rely totally on your expert opinion and 'bag of pooh' is not your usual definition.
  14. So my blatant mistake is forgiven then ?
  15. "........Oh you so need to join a union mate...." Totally and unashamedly opposed to trades unions in their present form.
  16. So, I spend my time on a few paragraphs on the wireless Wisdom, and at the end of it, decide to infer that the smokies are hardwired...Stupid or what ? Thanks for pointing out the mistake as I slowly slink into the nearest corner.
  17. About 25% bothered to vote (quarter of the population). 12.5% is 1/8 of the population. That's how many voted for a welsh assembly. A member of that body (they call themselves the welsh government) is on roughly sixty five thousand plus expenses per year (closing in on a total of one hundred thousand), the welsh nhs is in ruins, .. the list is endless.. (Some would remark that the same applies to England...I don't think so).. Yes, some actually thought that this was a foot-hold to independence..they had second prize.. This laughable gang of probably ex-councillors, ex-union reps, or ex whatever you have to do that doesn't involve getting your hands dirty, are supposedly responsible for the future of wales.. To add insult to injury as far as my English friends are concerned, we now have two representatives per constituency..one MP and one AM (assembly member)... taking a share of the taxes paid in England...fair ??? It would be preferable to be governed from the 'jolly boys outing' (Westminster) as the 'lesser' of two evils.. My kids are fluent welsh speakers living in England..
  18. So you have had the 'never to be forgotten' experience of seeing our promenade with it's crumbling buildings and boarded up shops. Used to be quite a tourist attraction at one time ...Before we were blessed with Tony Blair's Welsh Assembly. Of which, just 25% voted in some sort of referendum and marginally about 13percent of the entire population voted for.
  19. The Wisdom has 32 wireless and 1 hardwired zone so it's hardly a case where you want to free up inputs I should imagine. Follow your user instructions to omit the smokies when setting the system (provided the installer has programmed the panel to allow this). However, generally when a Wisdom zone is designated as a smokey it is active whether the system is set or unset. You can try omitting but I doubt that this would accomplish anything near your requirements. My question here would be 'why get rid of smokies ?' but that's your perogative. The smokies need to be re-programmed as 'unused' and only the installer can do this for you... unless of course you terminate the connections inside the smokies themselves (I assume they are closed circuit).. usually they have end of line resistors by the way..Doing so may well invalidate any warranty and/or maintenance contract with your current installation company.
  20. I'm confused now, who's living near Gurnos and who's living near Rhyl ?
  21. Heard of it ? Heard of it ? ... Passed there once...I'm still receiving therapy.
  22. Pleased to meet you. Is there such a thing as 1000TVL ? I'm sure I read somewhere that the max is about 800 !!!
  23. Hi Petrolhead, "....I was making reference to requiring engineer reset on tamper. But thanks for saying my advice was unprofessional or that i am not an expert. A great way to encourage professionals to give unpaid advice in their own time to people who can be as tight as 2 coats of paint..." My Post at 22:- "...I forgot the 9448 was the bum basic version..." Can you give some examples and your reasoning, this helps when we are relying on the advice of professionals..." Emphasis on '..when we are relying on the advice of professionals...' There is no suggestion that your advice is unprofessional, on the contrary, You are deemed a professional in that post and in no circumstances would any expert on this site be subject to personal criticism from myself. You are totally correct as regards the limitations of the panel, it is sufficient for diy I suppose, but even then it has it's drawbacks. On that count I therefore agree with you but I insert that the sole purpose of the post was a simple plea for clarification. I am pleased you mentioned the fact that professionals give up what little time they have after a hard day at work to answer posts.. This should be borne in mind by all who search here for answers.
  24. Zone 4 terminal pair should be labelled as such at the panel e.g. Z4; CCT4 and so on, so basically I would suggest following the advice of Admin, you have little to lose at the moment. Without assuming to 'go over the head' of Admin, could I suggest that you link out all the zones (label each zone pair as you remove them so that you know which terminal pairs they belong to) and then briefly check that the panel is clear of faults when 'set'. Collating each of your comments it strikes me that there may be a fault at the panel, in which case a new panel complete with engineer and user manual, guarantee, plus a new battery may well be far less than the £200 which appears to be the figure 'bandied about' at the moment. There is a suggestion in your posts that there may, in fact, be nothing wrong with the zone four detector (..prepared to stand corrected though !!), it strikes me that there is far more going on with the panel. Of course there is the suggestion that a installer should pay a visit, and I acknowledge the sense in that, but at the moment it may be preferable to at least attempt to track down the source of the problem... As usual "I am prepared to stand corrected".
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