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Posts posted by charlie6

  1. Alyeti, I certainly don't need to google stage equipment of any form and certainly won't submit to your pathetic commands:-


    Sorry about this folks, I need to post this in the several posts where Alyeti has triplicated, multiplicated, his question.

    You've got absolutely no chance. You either know the answer to the original post or you don't.. come to that, even if I bothered to upload you would still call me a liar and a blagger, as usual, with the photos staring you in the face... and I very rarely if ever, use four core, but there again you would call me a liar on that one as well.

    My apologies to everyone, but wherever I see Alyeti's question I'm afraid I shall have no alternative but to re-post again.

    For the benefit of the site, I have absolutely no quarrel with Alyeti.

  2. Hello 999, it's good to know that you are giving serious thought to the choice and not rushing in as is so often the case. Unfortunately, it is standard practise to use the terms 'one way' and 'two way' in relation to supervision (don't worry about that term for the moment), I have my own proven beliefs on this topic but perhaps you should really ask the site experts for an answer on that one.


    From my own observation (only) you have had two quotes (please correct me) and although we would all like to be in a position where we can afford the higher quote, it doesn't mean that it is the best value for money long term. In other words, consider what you are proposing to pay 'annually' then multiply it by ten to arrive at the actual total cost over a ten year period..many have been very surprised at just how much they are actually paying out for the 'lowest quote'. But this does not mean that the higher quote is the better of the two either.


    Probably the better way to continue your research is to note down the suggestions submitted by the professionals above.. for example, you would do well to find a company who can offer say a Texecom and a Scantronic and not just one or the other (they are hard to find)..That company must convince you of the reasons why you are making the best choice, both financially and from the quality aspect. There are excellent companies out there who don't need to advertise since their work comes from recommendations..Ultimately, the company you choose must be the company who can convince you, without the big sell, that you have made the right decision.

  3. Norman the Global Moderator:- "..**** me it's Rumpole..." (wording in italics for reference only).

    Unless there is something in the rules of this site which I have inadvertently overlooked, You have created a precedent insofar that as a moderator you have endorsed the use of foul language on this site..The implication being that from today onward anyone is allowed to use disgusting language in their posts...Are there any moderators on site who would be prepared to moderate this filthy post or do we allow the use of foul language as endorsed by Norman ?

  4. "...Are there any programming details I need to change?..."   You mentioned that the panel is at it's default settings, usually a panel arrives as new in the 'conventional wiring mode'.. Have you changed this in programming (assuming that your instructions indicate 'conventional' when new). Conventional in this case means straight forward alarm loop and tamper loop with no resistors. Before carrying out a new install it is worthwhile to 'bench test' the panel before commencing.


    "...I am sure someone will create a debate over used using NC and not DP/EOL for the Shock Circuit,.."


    There is a school of thought which maintains that you use the same resistor values on all devices, in other words if you do not use resistors in one device then you don't use them in other devices, so a fully supervised loop should maintain identical resistor values throughout.. on all devices..It is suggested that this applies to all panels.

  5. Again and unfortunately, I am trained to treat every question as a 'leading question'. It is a thoroughly bad habit drilled into me over several years of legal research. Unavoidable I'm afraid.. and so to your question:-

    I did subcontract (of sorts) to a firm several years ago, but only as part of their team. Whilst there, the quality was of a rather poor nature, not just intruder but cctv and electrics also. I can recall the boss of that firm asking me "which digital panel would you recommend ?" and given what I had seen, although the 9100 was not beyond their scope, I merely stated " the 9300"...can't for the life of me remember immediately who they were though, other than that they were based in South Wales.

  6. Admin:- "..just answer the odd question without one.."

    I'll run back through the posts on this thread. However, When I am interrogated it is obviously incumbent upon me to establish whether the question contains arbitrary nuances..It is not my desire to create, nor become involved in, what may be perceived as 'petty squabbles'.

  7. Any one of the above..it's the installer not the equipment when it comes to wireless..would have no problems installing the ion come to that... and no false alarms..


    "...These were the two lists. Little difference in price between the two. I excluded the smart app option and camera option of the Risco. But these are an extra ~£200 (IP Module, PIR Camera). Not £500 as previously mentioned..."


    I Mentioned in not so many words above that the quote sounded a bit steep.

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