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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. Where is he now ?
  2. I am obliged to accept your opinion Admin.
  3. Inspectors can choose, but they are often given excuses "...can't see that one today, they are on holiday.." and are often guided to the ones the installer wants them to see..without them realising it of course. I'll ask again "...Could someone indicate how and when the customer actually uses this URN, since at one time it was only of use to the installer..."
  4. It's your decision as far as the galaxy is concerned, however when Galaxy Guy gives advice I for one would not ignore it, he knows them backwards. If he says go for the G2 and coupled with your knowledge it would be a strong contender. It's well worth taking a look at what Texecom have to offer but believe me Galaxy Guy knows his stuff. The keypads are run off their own data terminals and not off a zone, and some keypads allow you to tie in a zone at the keypad, but it has it's downside, some only allow entry/exit off the keypad in which case you are still looking for more zones in your new setup.
  5. "....frequent false alarms..." Barnsley, I wasn't referring to your system when I asked that question, didn't receive a reply anyway. You have everything under control by the sound of things..although, as mentioned in a previous post it's worth keeping an eye on the sensitivity of the shock sensors and any environmental changes which may affect them...you've probably got that aspect covered already.
  6. Just write down the legends (a few letters and/or numbers) beneath each terminal at the warning device and also which terminals are connected to each other with a wire loop. Same on the panel.
  7. Thanks Admin, Datafussion and Adrian Mealing for your replies, I can take it, regarding standards that BS6799 is still operative then ? CQR at 10 ohms will do me fine. Appreciated.
  8. Isn't there a BT socket nearby ?
  9. Hi Norman, "...The only payment I am not sure about is the need to certificate ALL installations, whether the Client needs / wants it or not..." There's a bit in that post which relates to this (albeit distantly). Sorry for the confusion between certification and urn...my fault.
  10. What am I doing wrong here SixWheeledBeast, whatever it is I need to put it right pronto.
  11. It's in 'Accreditation worth it or not ?' the post is by Matthew Brough if you want to take a look at it Jason.
  12. Co-incidence ? I've not long ago been reading an old post where that cost is discussed. It must have gone up a few quid by now though, I'll try to find that post for you if you give me a few minutes.
  13. "....£52 and a few pennies including VAT for intruder element..." Thanks for that Timmo, appreciated. Could someone indicate how and when the customer actually uses this URN, since at one time it was only of use to the installer.
  14. Where is the relevance between a cheese toastie and frequent false alarms ?
  15. "...Advising to latch detection is poor advice..." Why ? We can now use six core everyone, because the latching facility on a pir is bad... is that what you're saying ?
  16. Good on you Norman, pleased to hear it.
  17. "...Cant i dont have one..." There's nothing wrong with you Nova, you're a decent chap with plenty of experience and I admire you for it. CV's ? you don't need one, I've seen enough of your replies.
  18. Now that's strange ! for some reason I didn't expect Alyeti to believe me, why was that I wonder.
  19. "...I broke my own rule a few months back and bought a roll of unbranded twelve core on ebay. Never used it, thought it might be OK as a spare and put it away. Had a glance at it recently, it's so thin, smaller than four core and stripping is a nightmare. I asked around and one chap said that the chinese had bought up all the copper, he said ".. but not to worry..there's no voltage loss.." but that's just it..I am worried !! So what's the truth of the matter, is all the branded cable as thin as that..I haven't bought any for ages..any good reccomendations welcome.." Here is the original post and the questions are:- Have the chinese bought up all the copper ? Is there a voltage drop ? Are all branded cables as thin ? Any recommendations ? Which of these did you answer.
  20. "....frequent false alarms..." So where are these frequent false alarms coming from and who's fault (if any) are those false alarms.... Operator error due to inadequate information given by the installing company...poorly sourced equipment..or a questionable RA ? At one time there was a 'three strikes and you're out' system whereby the police withdrew response after three false alarms.
  21. I'll buy whatever I want for spares including cable, and the purchase backfired because it was exactly that... tat.. but the previous comment stands viz:- A legitimate question was asked, rather than a genuine answer, yet again we are faced with the inevitable "..I can't answer the question so I'll just mock the OP".
  22. What is the customer paying for ? How much does the customer pay including VAT ?
  23. No one mentioned latching doors, and agreed "..Good advice is one cable, one device per zone..." However, if you read my post again, the intention is to get away from the 'easy route' in order to resolve a very basic problem.
  24. Thankyou Norman " ...im getting high res and volt drop problems should have bought real cable instead of cheap copy tat..." I've checked my own post and can't see the above mentioned entry. Either way, A legitimate question was asked, rather than a genuine answer, yet again we are faced with the inevitable "..I can't answer the question so I'll just mock the OP".
  25. "....You need to read PD6662 & BS8243 Some home work for you http://www.chubb.co....rds Leaflet.pdf..." Thanks for the advice, I shall do precisely that. "...Met and employed many an engineer who claimed they could troubleshoot.." same here, "...You fancy posting your CV.." Very happy to oblige, but post yours first. Can't recall you telling me how much you add to a customer's bill for the URN !!!!
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