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Everything posted by charlie6

  1. Not intending to put a damper on your enthusiasm but I have seen so many partnerships dissolve both in and outside this industry. You may be the finest of friends and the closest of colleagues, but it is in both your interests to get every thing down in writing and viewed by a legal practitioner. I wish you both well for the future.
  2. The front dimensions of the warning device, well one of them anyway is just 190 cms so the mod must be small (as in 'No piezzo outputs on board the mod) .... I can rely on you Norman.
  3. "...£19.80 + carriage.." I was thinking more in the region of a tenner or less.
  4. Look at you Admin..22000 plus.. Amazing.
  5. I have every confidence in you Dave, keep up the good work.
  6. Need a bit of help, from the oldies like myself perhaps. At one time, when dinosaurs walked the earth, we put our own warning devices together. A sounder, microswitches , battery, and a small sab module. I need these sab modules, many had on board batteries and occasionally timers, but I'm not in a position to the pros and cons. Looked just about everywhere on the net but ..nothing. It would be appreciated if anyone could keep a look out for these little sab mods. I'll buy you a drink when I next see you.
  7. Good call Timmo, but while I've been hanging around by some trade counters I've found that they (not all of them) are not averse to selling to the public.
  8. Yes, congrats Norman, but what about me I'm not far behind..only about 11000..well done Norman.
  9. Well I'm almost through on this topic. (post 50). Nothing else to add really, I have a feeling though that "...get a pro in to fit a NEW panel.." is not going to work out the way we would have liked... A lot of previous posts lead me to that conclusion Lwillis. Just sit tight and wait for the next episode.
  10. Hello JJ, you do a bit of everything then !
  11. Hear ! Hear ! Norman.. ( or is it here here)
  12. I endorse all the previous posts made by the professionals, but allow me to pass on a 'ditty' from my own experiences as a jobbing troubleshooter... A installer takes one look at a panel, decides it's above him, sells the owner a new panel (one which he only has ever worked on)and suggests to the owner "..you can get a few quid for the old one on ebay"..Reading the previous posts it's as simple as that. I removed a panel recently and told them to bin the old one (not 'put it on ebay). There is not a bit of need to contact ADT, but that's your choice (what do you want ADT to tell you ?) When you return an item on ebay raise a complaint ticket..that usually gets the seller to sit up, but it's wiser to contact the seller first and tell them you are returning the item and require the return address..you don't have to give a reason..If you want one try using " not fit for purpose " (sale of goods act).
  13. "...I can login to the cameras via the laptop so the cameras work....I suspect these cameras may be incompatible.." Well we are at a stage where the cameras work on your laptop so I doubt if they are incompatible (could be wrong). Have you tried a generic in the nvr... just to make sure !! Are they all (nvr's) supposed to specify the rtsp path,Petrolhead ? I once had a heck of a problem with a router, but that's another story I suppose.
  14. Dave, please return this item via the ebay scheme and get a refund. Please do not buy from ebay unless you are absolutely familiar with the item you are purchasing. I mentioned above that contrary to popular opinion this panel is not stolen and the owner has every right to off load it, it is used and it is faulty. How much do you value your own time... £20 an hour...£40... you may well be enjoying your projects and I appreciate that, but in the end time is not on your side.
  15. "..Brand new system ?.." Not necessarily. In general (and relating to computing rather than cctv), a generic device can be identified by the host. You haven't said how many cameras you are using, psu's if needed,and so on. Can you use a single 'generic' camera (just one) connected to the host (assuming it's dvr) and forget all other considerations. One camera, one host. Let's go from there.
  16. I s..s...s..simply adore relays SixWheeledbeast, think I'll give your method a try.
  17. ".....Any Suggestions?..." yes, ensure that your server is communicating with you..you appear to be jumping ahead.. Try sending yourself a e-mail or whatever and qualify that the basic substance is intact before proceeding further.
  18. If the new panel is not on the wall, link out the inputs (conventional or otherwise) and give it a test before mounting.
  19. So it could have been an ADT panel left at a property, which the owners had purchased.. in that case they have every right to sell it. But why sell it if it's working correctly ? Your car working OK..in that case I'll buy it ? Not working OK... sell asap..to someone else !! simple isn't it.
  20. Yeah ! bit to patronising methinks Petrolhead.
  21. As in a similar topic, strip to barebones (not a few hundred cameras) and go from there, I always suspect the main control first and foremost. How old is the system, did you install it, did you test the equipment before installing (could be RF nearby ??) ..Test your equipment before installing it shall save your hours of scratching your head. Let the site know your setup, there are far superior engineers on here than myself.
  22. Appear to have hit the nail on the head again Norman. Thanks Nova.
  23. Hi Nova, what does QFA mean ?
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