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  1. I am looking to upgrade my 4 camera system to 6 (at the moment, will possibly be eight next year) can anyone make recommendations on make and models to consider please? I will be fitting it myself, it needs to be viewable over Internet in addition to on our existing HDTV, which I can currently achieve, ideally have iPhone software/ app availability. I am not sure of the make of my current CCTV DVR, apart from it being unbranded and I would prefer something with some support and able to purchase in the UK Many thanks Ron
  2. I have been advised that apparently it's a straight swap, the terminals are marked up differently but have had it explained to me in detail how to connect it to my Accenta panel The unit mentioned above seems very basic and might not be enough for what I 'might' need in the future, is it expandable, has anyone used/ fitted one? Thanks everyone for all your advise so far, I really appreciate it. Ron
  3. Thank you for the welcome The first alarm I ever fitted was early 1980's I think we got it from Argos (don't laugh) can't remember the brand but recall it was a very basic '2 wire' jobbi similar to bell wire. It had a white powder coated metal box with Red and Black writing on. I then replaced that with a wireless system that wasn't very successful (also from Argos if I remember correctly) When we had a little more cash available I fitted a custom panel I purchased from a local alarm supplier in Bearwood, think it was Chubb with the local suppliers own branding and labels. Most recently, I fitted a Honeywell Accenta Gen 4 alarm with a Informa speech dialler (currently looking to change the dialer for a dialer that works on mobile network as I no longer have a fixed land line where the current dialer is fitted, see my post in the DIY forum area) I have also fitted a further 2 of these for family members and this is (obviously) the best and most advanced system I have fitted/ worked on (purely on a hobby/ DIY basis) I have also fitted various CCTV systems to my own and family members properties, from IP Cameras (Edimax, Panasonic etc) to hard wired 4 camera CCTV systems (I will be upgrading the one fitted to my property next year to a 8 camera system) with HDD. I also designed and built my own HTPC system a few years ago and it is still going strong Ron
  4. Thank you for the reply can you recommend anything? Always open to suggestions if there is something better for les cash Ron
  5. Hi everyone, I am new here, found this forum whilst looking for some information regarding modifying my own alarm system, looks a friendly place and feel I can learn a lot here I fitted my own alarm, security cameras etc and also fitted one or two for family members over the years. Hope to be able to contribute back to the community now and again too. Ron
  6. Hi all, I am new here and found you all when looking for some information, hopefully someone here can help me I currently have a Honeywell Accenta Gen 4 alarm with a Informa speech dialler connected, as I no longer have access to a fixed telephone line I was looking to replace my dialler with a Pyronix speech dialler GSM V2, can anyone tell me if it would be a direct replacement and I just need to disconnect existing wiring and reconnect to this dialler please? I assume the connections are as follows Informer V2GSM 12V ------ +12V 0V ------- 0V IP1 ------- IN1 (IP1 is connected to INT on my main panel) IP2 ------- IN2 (IP2 is connected to PA on my main panel) IP3 ------- IN3 (IP3 should be connected to FIRE on my main panel - CURRENTLY NOT USED) INH ------ IN6/S (INH is connected to set on my main panel) T A -------- TAM 1 M -------- TAM 2 P I have attached a photo showing the connections on my currently fitted Informa and a PDF showing the relevant pages from the panel connectionsGen4_Dialler connect.pdf. Thanks in advance Ron
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