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  1. Thanks for they replies guys, the reason for starting is partly because of money as I'd like to make a better life for my wife and kids but at the same time I want to accomplish something in life. A standard day for me is either a straight day of callouts, system upgrades, new installs, more so doing callouts than the latter (since I moved from the install team) I do understand its bloody hard getting off the ground but I see people doing new installs including our subbies and then I'm there for a few days cleaning up the mess and them getting away with it. Do a job once and do it well, if you hit issues as we all do, take the extra time to do It the right way, and with regard to putting in the hours for good pay, I'm not on a great wage when comparing on job sites.. I'm just loyal which I suppose is a flaw sometimes My boss is a great guy so that about me working part time was an assumption, other guys have done it but who knows.. It's all of the admin things I don't deal with every day that I know I take for granted as we have a whole office of people doing there own jobs so doing it all yourself does seem like a ball ache, I suppose it'll be on a small scale at the start though..
  2. How do most people start out? Years ago a mate of mine just bought a van, he already had the tools and said that's me sorted, he maybe lasted two years? I was thinking is it better to try and do part time, so maybe two or three days on my own then the remainder with my existing company. Paperwork wise what is needed?
  3. Hi all, I know it's a common thread but Ive been with my current company for about six years now and am thinking of starting my own company, I don't really know where to go or who to speak to for business advice and also what I need personally to be "certified" I want to do things the right way because I see many people do it the other way. As an example I see people saying how they need to purchase documents etc? Some people are NSI or Sia. Please don't tear me to shreds people
  4. I've had many issues with the buttons going on Menvier rkps, on many occasions customers have supplied one and I've said I'll fit it for you but if there are issues for this as it's got an unknown history you'll be left with it otherwise next is a panel upgrade, at the end of the day you'll only be loosing the cost of the used rkp if you went the eBay route. You can remove the rubber buttons from the rkp and clean on the small black contact pads then use some conductive silver liquid, can't remember the brand name and it takes a couple of hours to fully cure, but it makes the rkp buttons as responsive as a new one, people don't like using it as they can't guarantee the work though and I'd suggest use only use would be restricted to my own system rather than advising a customer to use It.
  5. That's the advice a few people have said, as in just stay away from the texecom wireless stuff, what would you recommend as a hybrid system, for all out wireless I've used Pyronix Enforcer panels and they've been pretty good with the exception of the key fobs being poop
  6. Hi there, I know a lot of people don't like texecom but personally install quite a few and have one myself, I've been having a lot of issues with the ricochet panels or hybrid panels (so a hard wired panel with ricochet expander) the issues I Commonly have are supervision faults and the fact that you are very unlikely to trigger a device when testing. I know the devices go I to a sleep mode for three minutes when they trigger unless they are in "always awake" mode which I have been told by texecom to definitely not program them as. I then said but it's the only way I can get them to work, his reply was "if it's polling, it's working" this simply wasn't the case. And with that offered no other ideas as to how I can get the system working. I'm not a major fan of wireless but some people spend a truckload of cash refurbing a house then think, maybe an alarm would have been a good idea as an afterthought . Anyway, anyone have any special tips when installing a ricochet system or getting them to actually work in a "reliable" way? (oh and the commissioning mode when connected via wintex to allow the system to "mesh" always gets a first try)
  7. How do I go about that?
  8. , I've been viewing as a guest every once in a while but a friend of mine said I should sign up as I'll be looking for info out from people in the same boat, that boat is looking at starting out on my own or possibly with a friend. Thanks again!
  9. Hi there, I've been working for an alarm company since 2010, started off doing installation work and over the last year and a half I've been doing service work, fault finding/repair, system upgrades etc, this is over intruder, fire and access control. So hi everyone! Sam
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