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Everything posted by JustGav1976

  1. Ah that's answered my question, I'm not in the trade, just a hobbyist... Where would be the best place to find some play kit? thanks Gav
  2. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but trying to look in the 'trading' section and it comes up as a protected forum. Membership fee or something? If so, let me know @DWDave, I guess I'll have to get both a small galaxy panel and texecom to play with
  3. I'll look at the texecom stuff, I purely went with the galaxy as that is what he mentioned, and suggested that the test kit would be cheap to get. I'm not after spending a lot for something that will end up in my box of bits of playing
  4. Hi Peoples I was directed here by a friend of mine. Not a DIY'er as such but I do home automation as a hobby and I'm just looking at putting some bits together for my own research (yes, it is a bit of sad hobby) DWDave has been showing me his work with his Galaxy 60 panel, and the integration with Windows etc, so I'm thinking of trying to decode the serial commands (or finding out what they are), so I can put something on an ARM system ( beaglebone) to link into an openhab home automation system. All just research at the moment and not for profit That's about it /gav
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