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Everything posted by Terryvxr8

  1. I used Crow and loved them. Worked really well imo. These; http://www.thecrowgroup.com/Products_Systems/genius/genius/
  2. Holla, Welcome to the forum. Crow pir's were bloody brilliant, used to use them in 'Harsh' enviroments and never had any problems at all. Hated DSC panels though. Customers just couldnt even tell you what the problems were coz the display clears after a few seconds, lol..
  3. I have seen them last 15+ years with no issues. I am torn tbh, if maintained regulary with no issues i am not sure i would replace them. Unless comoany policy us to recomend replacement of course
  4. Thanks everyone. And i wish i had a VXR8, i did have an Astra VXR a few years ago though lol.
  5. Terryvxr8

    DA Abacus 6P

    I have prob been to that one
  6. Terryvxr8

    Abacus 6P

    Good old Abacus. Used to love those things.
  7. Come on, name and shame the company he he he..
  8. Looks legit to me
  9. Terryvxr8


    This sort of thing is far to common.....
  10. Terryvxr8

    Galaxy G2-44

    Nice and neat, but can I ask why a G2 and not a G3 used?. As you can tell I am not a fan of the G2 lol..
  11. Terryvxr8

    Rss Pic

    I used to hate waiting for that message to clear, hoping I didn't have to drive 5 hours at 1am coz a customer has done something silly lol..
  12. If they are working and you are not bothered that they look yellow no real reason to replace imo. But if any signs of false alarms/issues rip them all out and replace with shines new ones. I know many company's that would make you "Recommend" replacing PIR's after 10 years. You decide if it's the company generating extra revenue or looking after the customers needs ..
  13. Decisions to be made

  14. Hi everyone, I just joined today and i am trying to find anyone that works, or has worked, at lyrico systems in walsal?. I might be starting there very soon. Anyway i have been a security engineer for just over 20 years now... Omg i feel old now lol..
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