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Everything posted by Mattmasters

  1. Hi Everyone.. Merry Christmas.. Ok not sure if this is a subject we are not meant to discuss... please tell me if so... I applied to the SSAIB as some of you more frequent guys may remember back in October.. after 8 non Conformity comments on paperwork with wording etc.. these have now been taken care of and hopefully fingers crossed we re getting approved.. (Yay)... I have a client who is interested in a quote and would like to know what the cost is of a monitored police alarm....... (i have no idea) i called the monitoring station that we use and they said it varies on area and bits.. also i have to apply to the police.. guessing the cost comes from them with regards to their side?? is there a standard amount that they usually charge if so can anyone let me know roughly what it is is maybe the biggest amount they have had?? Many Thanks Matt
  2. i have said they need to do alot of alterations to some of the buildings as they dont comply which they are happy to do.. I will just say they need to continue to have the four services a year..
  3. thanks for that James.. OK.. So Four Visits a year it is then.... Thank you all...
  4. we do alot of Commercial Fire alarms, Shops, Offices etc... this is the first Residential Home that has contacted us..
  5. the only relation i can find to Quarterly Testing is when Vented batteries are used... i understand that as the levels need to be checked,. But cant find anything else..
  6. i would of said two.. They carry out their own checks on a weekly basis.. they fill out the log books with different call points being tested every week.. all bells are tested every week... They have a can of smoke they test the nearest detector to the call point they are testing and note that works.. our job is to go in and do a full system test on every detector.. By the way your saying this MrHappy am i wrong
  7. Hi guys, so..... i had a new customer call us to yesterday who has multiple building 9 to be exact.. Each building has a fire alarm of sorts whether it be a mains powered aico fire alarm that sparkys install or conversational fire alarm from Gent or something similar.. They have mentioned that Two guys go up for a whole day to test all the systems... fair enough.. my cost allowance for this came out ok for the two guys and day visit... The bit that got me is that the existing Company has said they NEED to have 4 Visits a year.. meaning their maintenance bill is over £2,200!!! Please can someone tell me where it says they need to have FOUR visits a year?? They are a residential home that do their own fire checks each week with regards to bells, call points and log books.. Many Thanks
  8. Just had a look at the serviceM8 system... looks very good.. the only issue I can see is that there is no way to make a document that includes the normal parts you have on a service document and email the client the service document to the client.. great for invoices tho..
  9. It wasn't rob.. we we use Texecom for wired systems and Visonic for wireless.. the cost is higher than I would like but over £1,000 cheaper than the other option I got told about.. i must admit when when some more funds become available I think i will apply for Base as it's a start to the bigger software I would like alarm master in the fufutre..
  10. I didn't pass... I had 8 non conformities that I have to correct.. I would rather not say his name in case I'm not allowed too but he was amazing.. he could tell I was very nervous and fumbling all over the office.. took me over 30 mins to get into my safe as my hands were shaking.. i have been told to correct the non conformities and he will recommend me joining.. im rather excited to be fair.. sad I know but it feels like my company I'm working so hard to setup is taking a step in the right direction.. and can I just say that u guys are amazing... the fact that a person can come on a forum and ask advise on a subject that I expect u all do to earn your living is amazing.. thank u.. sory about he NCR.. realised after I wrote the comment.. yep it is what I have at the mo..
  11. Sorry Sixwheeledbeast (love the name) but what is NCR...?
  12. Device magic looks good.. it's the £200 a year that doesn't make me smile,, it's only me in the company and I don't have a lot of clients as yet... maybe best with paperwork for now..
  13. I have found fastfieldforms.com at $20 a month.. GoFormz at $12 a month.. guessing thats notthat bad?
  14. I currently have carbon based forms, the old write on the top, give one copy to customer and take one to office. The inspector has mentioned digital forms.. ones we fill out on iPads and it send the copy to both parties.. neater than paper?. I'm just not sure which one is cheap enough to make it worth while
  15. Ok... so had the inspection.. didn't really go to plan to be honest.. having never applied for a governing body before and learning the trade on my own I should have realised I was in for issues... installation work and maintenance demo was fine.. nothing to worry on that side...but the paperwork needed changing due to my wording, layout and specific paragraphs that needed to be inserted.. i have had to get a buddy agreement but thanks to a nice company near me They have agreed to be our buddy as it's only me in the company.. (wife now happy we can go on holiday) i have also been advised to use digital forms to make writing neater but not sure what to use... the only digital forms I have found cost money.. also so to use Base as our software... the inspector was was really nice tho so thanks everyone for your help...
  16. Hi everyone.. sorry if if this is not a subject that is allowed on the forum, I am a little nervous s I have an SSAIB inspector coming over tomorrow for my first visit.. i have never ever tried to sign up with a governing body before and as I sit here my heart is pounding like mad.. i know now they are coming to look at insurance and bits which is all sorted but just wondering what questions they ask? What do they look at on site visits? Do they ask my clients anything? do they ask me loads of questions? any help would be amazing.. thanks guys
  17. I have a texecom elite 24 poly installed last week so new unit.. sparky onsite turned off power and forgot to turn it on.... we had O/P fault showing.. turns out the sensor on the Psu has gone faulty.. we checked all incoming voltage from the 230v supply and the 12v into the panel.. all good.. we contacted texecom who confirmed the Psu had a faulty sensor chip.... £x for new Psu..
  18. Not sure I like the idea of only interlinked protection in the hallways... I can see your view Rulland but I feel after reading the regs it would require a little more to satisfy the fire authority here.. from what im reading it only requires communal detectors, emergency access call points and one smoke / sounder in each flat.. i also like the sound of the hush buttons suggested by sixwheeledbeast... but not sure the landlord would like them to turn their alarms off.. thanks for for the help guys.. also booked onto am FIA course to hopefully cut the questions down.. guys.
  19. Hi Rulland.. the logic i am thinking is to have a full conventional fire alarm in the hallways and have a fire alarm detector in each flat by the front door with a sounder and maybe a beacon. While inside the flats they get the electrician to install aico fire alarms. What would you do in this situation? cheere
  20. Hi guys. Sorry to be a pain.. i have an an interesting question. We have been asked to quote for a fire alarm system to cover 9 separate flats over 4 floors. Smoke and heats in each flat and communal areas.. I have been given a spec to follow via the architect which shoes smokes by the bedroom and heats in the kitchen.. all linked up to a main panel down by the main door... im not 100% convinced with this system as I have had issues with false activations before from people setting things off accidentally and meaning a full evac of the whole building.. would you all do what is requested and supply a full addressable or conventional system with full integration in the flats and the communal areas?? Smokes, heats and carbon.. or would you do communal areas only with stand alone fire alarms in each flat such as the domestic aico smoke and heat detectors? Thanks in advance
  21. Thank you Peter..
  22. Hi Peter.. thank you for your reply so fast.. i have found a previous thread about the Alarm Master and Mentor but i imagine they have a high price tag to go with it although they do look amazing.. dont suppose you remember any others by name?
  23. Hi Everyone, i am a newby to the security installer Forum and new to forums in general.... the reason i have joined is because i took the leap and started my own company to join the hundreds of companies already out there so sorry if im stepping on any toes.. the main reason i joined is because i am struggling to find a maintenance software solution that i can afford for the my size of business. i would like a tried and tested software package as i dont like the thought of using Excel but i being a startup company i cant afford hundreds of pounds.. can anyone out there recommend a cheap / reliable piece of software ? Thank you..
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