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  1. Dirty dog ! Nahhhhh won't dare ! ….It's about when I leave in the morning before she does when she's still in bed…..I open the front door and the keypad I put in the bedroom chimes. The other keypad is next to the front door exit. Panel is an Accenta G4, the metal box one with no keypad 8SP419A. I want the chime on the front door keypad, but not the one in the bedroom. The keypads are the LCD Gen 4 - 8EP417 Here's another query…... I have all 8 zones wired into the tamper and the overall cabling is pretty long, when i tested the tamper (continuity) it worked on the 7 zones but including the 8th it didn't, so i checked the PIR and all was good with it. So is it that the overall cable length of the tamper loop is too long with the 8th sensor….guess there are issues with resistance over long cable runs? thanks
  2. May be as simple as this? I have a second keypad in the main bedroom, and i want to silence this keypad….can't see anything in the programming so do i just cut the wires to its internal speaker... I have a second keypad and a separate internal sounder downstairs…. Silencing the upstairs keypad is about not waking up the other half with the door chimes etc thanks
  3. Never wired a remote keypad, I assumed they run of a keypad specific connection, and not from one of the zones?
  4. Sorry, don't get that comment at all......24 keypad zones? and split or drop from zone 1? I'll have two remote keypads? thanks
  5. The house isn't a mansion, and yes 1 zone per device. Why magnetic on all doors......so i can have chime function on each door, so I can't therefore have PIR on same zone as any door, hence I need 10 zones : Z1 - Kitchen entry door and Front entry door (main panel in kitchen cupboard and remote keypad adjacent to kitchen door) Z2 - Kitchen PIR (walk thro entry exit) Z3 - Garage Door and Sliding patio doors in dining room Z4 - Living room patio doors Z5 - reception room PIR Z6 - Living room PIR Z7 - Dining room PIR Z8 - Top of stairs PIR Z9 - Conservatory PIR (maybe) Z10 - Conservatory doors Additional remote keypad in small porch next to front door entry. I'm open to any panel thats easy for a DIYer to install that give me enough zones thanks
  6. The current panel I think is a basic Texacom (?) There are NO magnetics on any of the external doors, just a few internal PIRs. I might consider glass break etc, and possibly the speech dialler at a later date, this is why I'm considering a higher specification panel so I can extent/upgrade in the future.... Whilst I'm no expert installer I just want to be sure that I can set-up a Galaxy panel in the typical residential configuration (doors and PIR's only) thanks
  7. Hello, Its a while since i installed my last alarm, a basic 8 zone with a couple of PIR's and magnetics. I'm now in process of moving to a larger property which will need 5 magnetics and 6 PIR's. whilst I recall you could have latching PIR's on the same zone, I'd prefer to have a 12 zone (or higher) panel so I can keep the PIR's seperate. I've seen the Honeywell Galaxy series, and just wonder ignoring all the 'extras' these seem to have, are they as simple to wire up as the 'standard' 8 zone panels..... thanks OG
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