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Neil Jones

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  1. I have installed a Knight Industrial magnetic door contact on a sliding patio door connected to a Galaxy Flex 50. It's been working fine for a few weeks and in the last week Ive had a couple of false alarms from the contact. First time round I looked at the panel diagnostics and was seeing the resistance fluctuate a little between 1000-1100ohms while closed. I took the contact apart, reconnected and things looked like they had settled down fine. Last night it went off at 2am.. so I disabled the contact. Today I set it to log and chime, and sure enough it went off later in the afternoon and on looking at the diags it stayed open at around 1500ohms (obviously while the door was still closed). I gave the contact a small tap and it dropped back to around 1000ohms. Is it still likely to be a duff connection, or is it a faulty contact? I did notice that when the door is pulled shut hard the contacts do slightly/momentarily knock together, should I open up the gap between contacts also?
  2. Thanks for the swift reply, looks like a quick test before getting the ladders out tomorrow morning! It was the +12v that bothered me most.. also forgot to ask.. I don't need an EOL resistor in the sounder do I?
  3. Just wanting to check my wiring understanding for the Galaxy Flex 50 with the AG8 Sounder as the manual for both the panel and the sounder is a little confusing. The Flex PCB has the following output connections: 1 2 3 T 0V Based on the manual for the sounder I believe I need to connect: TR- (neg tamper return) to T V- (negative supply) to 0V ST- (neg. strobe trigger) to [OP]2 which I believe is default programmed as STROBE S- (neg. sounder trigger) to [OP]1 which I believe is default programmed as BELLS V+ (positive) I am assuming I can use any +12V connector, e.g one of the three +12V connections from the zones? I have to admit it is the V+ that has bothered me.. as most panels Ive seen has a +12V BELL connector alongside the other bell connections.. but +12v is +12v right...? I don't have an internal speaker, so assume don't have need for the third output. I notice that there are "pull up links" in place for OPs 1-3, what do these do? I assuming I don't need to touch these?
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