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Everything posted by ElecTech

  1. Hi, I have a client that has both there intruder and DS2 monitored by East Midlands Monitoring. The way it works is if there intruder goes off, they connect via the CCTV (so I'm told) and they then have audio control with onsite tannoys. The client has on site security at a branch in the midlands but the site in question is down south. They client itself has access to the DS2 via NetVU and now wants the audio control just like the monitoring. There basically wanting to switch the CCTV monitoring side back to there own HQ. 1. Is it a case of using a USB mic and audio through netvu? 2. Is the netvu audio control button how monitoring stations use audio control through DM kit? The DVR is on the LAN with no ports restricted to midlands to the down south site. If you need any more info just ask. *added info* Reason I've been asked is because the contracted company are telling the client it can't be done. But I'm sure it can...
  2. Hi, Could someone give me there views on the best domestic alarm w/ iPhone APP to set/unset? At first glance I've been looking at the Agility 3 by RISCO. Any suggestions...
  3. I have accounts with COP SECURITY
  4. Does anyone use Dahua as a CCTV manufacturer? If so, I'd be grateful for a bit of feedback... I may start using them in domestic installs.
  5. Ok , might take one to site as a tester.
  6. Believe it or not the HID reader they currently use is £60 more. What "weirdness" could occur and why? They use ID cards but I'd of thought if it's a HID card then either reader will work. Sorry for the basic questions but I don't know enough about the ins and outs of the technology that the readers use.
  7. Hi, A client has Paxton Net2 installed and currently uses HID ICLASS R30 readers on all sites... I'm used to using PAC and have only ever used there readers and have never used any type of 3rd party readers. 1. Would Paxton's own HID reader be compatible with the Net2 V.4 (the Paxton reader is cheaper than the 3rd party) 2. Why would a 3rd party reader be used in the first case. I believe this was a brand new install & not a takeover. 3. Would it be as simple as disconnecting an old faulty HID iCLASS reader and following the wiring diagram for the Paxton's own reader? Old reader - https://www.hidglobal.com/sites/hidglobal.com/files/resource_files/iclass-r-series-c-readers-ds-en.pdf New reader (hopefully) - http://www.paxton.co.uk/productsearch.asp?id=&salescode=345-220 Thanks.
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