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  1. Thanks for your reply. For a few days running, before the alarm went off we had been experiencing violent thunderstorms in the area, whether that can affect a RCD I do not know. She had an electrician in today to sign off the electrics in the house and he found no problems and gave her a certificate. We have fitted a new panel battery as well as we think the old battery was approximately 9 years old.
  2. Hi, wonder if you could confirm my thoughts please. My daughter is abroad on holiday at the moment and I received a call from her saying her neighbour had just called to let her know that her alarm was going off, By the time I got to her house and the sounder had stopped but the strobe was still flashing outside. I went in and entered the code, the keypad was showing tamper but no zones were lit, on further inspection the downstairs RCD had tripped and the green light on the control panel was flashing, so running just on the battery. I turned on the RCD and cleared the tamper but left the alarm unset for the moment, not wanting to upset the neighbours again. The power could have been off for several days and I guess it's probably just the battery in the panel running down and needs replacing. Thanks, Pete
  3. That does make sense.
  4. All I wanted to know was the PIR jumper settings, they could have printed that on the box it came in as al-yeti says. I got a install and user manual with the panel Pete
  5. Got the new complete Texecom system connected up and running today, no problems at all but disappointed the Texecom Pir's now come with a booklet saying they no longer send instructions in the box! what's that all about? the leaflet was as big as the instructions would have been. Pete
  6. Hi Specialist Thank you for your reply I think I will be able to track down the tamper fault and do know how to use the multimeter I am just surprised a tamper fault will completely stop the system in this way. I have now bought a full new full system that I am more familiar and intend to fit but will need to check the old cabling is not causing the fault. It's all hidden under the chipboard floors and inside the walls and I do intend re using it but would also like to find this fault mainly through interest. I have a new battery with the new system so I will fit that temporarily and intended linking out the tamp circuit then checking each leg separately. I want the ladders handy in case the bell goes off and I can't stop it from inside, don't want to upset the new neighbours. Cheers Pete
  7. Thanks for your reply, I will check the tamper circuits for the fault first and if I find it/them I will change the battery, otherwise I will remove it all and fit a new system. I opened the panel last night and have access to the connections but don't want to do too much yet without having a ladder handy to silence the bell. Thanks again. Pete
  8. Hi My daughter has just moved into a house that has a Accenta G3 alarm fitted. The previous owner left the code but she never said the alarm wasn't working. Pressing any of keys on the keypad has no effect and makes no sound, the alarm went off when I turned the house consumer unit off but putting in the code did stop the alarm so I guess the panel battery is also shot. There is a Day and power light lit on the keypad but also a tamper light lit as well. I removed 2 PIR's for the decorator and that had no effect. I am wondering if it is just a tamper circuit fault that I can probably track down (but would that cause this effect on the system ?) or is it likely to be something more serious? I downloaded the instructions but could not see if a tamper fault disables using the system? Thanks for any pointers. Pete
  9. Result. Hi Sorry for the delay, Yesterday we managed to get hold of a complete spare alarm system, and started by doing another test on internal sounder hi and low tone was okay but the strobe and bell appeared dead ? we wired up the new bell box on a short lead from the panel and it worked fine so we checked the wires to the old bell and there was no 12v+ at the bell terminal but was it available at the panel. luckily we had a spare conductor in the cable so we replaced the damaged red wire with this and every thing seems to be working correctly now. I still can't understand how that allowed us to disable the bell with just one press of any key on the panel last time we looked at it though. Thanks for all your help, I always start by thinking the fault will be something complicated that I can't check myself Pete
  10. HI Sorry not sure about this chirp on set, I have been checking the manual When the alarm is set you get a bleep bleep---bleep bleep--- sound when you open the exit door the key pad zone one lights and the chime starts as well when the door is closed the light goes out and the bleep bleep--- continues until the exit time is reached then the alarm goes off. Pressing any button on the key pad stops the external sounder but the panel still bleeps until the code is input. Non of this logs a fault ?
  11. Hi Yes I was stood next to the panel while my son went out (I was out of view of any PIR's) We also changed the entry exit door to the side door zone (5) and disabled the front door zone (1) but it made no difference. Thanks for your reply though. Pete
  12. Hi Can anyone point me in the right direction please. I have just spent all afternoon trying to sort out my sons alarm system, it is a Texecom Veritas 8 with a Texecom Odyssey alarm box, 3 PIR's and 3 external door contacts. The problem has only started recently but when the alarm is set and you exit the house, after the exit time expires the alarm goes off. You can silence the externally alarm by entering any single button on the key pad ? but the panel inside keeps bleeping until you enter the full code. No faults are being logged in the memory and keypad lights are working as usual with no faults showing. I have disabled all the zones except the entry door (it made no difference) Changed entry exit door to a different door (it made no difference) linked out the PIR tamper circuit (it made no difference) Re set panel to factory settings (it made no difference) Checked all fuses in the panel and removed bell box cover, cleaned out a few cobweb but all looks dry and in good condition. Removed all power and battery from panel and rebooted (it made no difference) Beginning to think it is a PCB fault. have I missed anything ? Thanks for any help received. Pete
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