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  1. If you don't know what you are talking about, then it's better that you say nothing.
  2. Hi al-yeti I have no connection with the Risco group, the only thing I do is installing Risco panels and accessories. For me as a security installer the best system is a wired system, but the consumer In The Netherlands want more and more wireless smart-living panels. Therefore I have install in my workshop a hybrid system with camera’s and X-10 accessories. So that I can demonstrate whit the use of a Ipad the futures of this system to them. Because if your customers can see what they are buying, then the products sells easier. Kind Regards.
  3. The Risco app lets you see before you full/part set the system of the zones are active or not, If they are active then you can omit a zone, or look with the Risco cameras in the property. And you can also communicate with the camera microphone/speaker with a person and then take a decision.
  4. Hi all. With your installation experience what do you guys think, is this a reliable test. Benchmark Intruder Test: Wireless Alarm Panels Verdict The I-on 16 from Eaton Security is the oldest system in the test, and is also the most basic. When it was launched, simplicity was one of its major selling points. However, in today’s market, expectations for wireless alarm systems have changed. The system is left behind by the others. In low-risk domestic applications, it will have some appeal. The Enforcer from Pyronix makes use of two-way radio communications to provide a credible intruder detection system. It has a number of features which deliver benefits to the installer. Added functions ensure reliability across radio paths, and for many that will be sufficient. Risco’s Agility 3 takes a slightly different approach, in that it is aimed more at the customer who wants value-added benefits from their intruder system. It certainly plays more to the lifestyle consumer market than the traditional user of alarms, but this exploitation of technology can help win contracts. The two-way radio functionality ensures the alarm data is received by the panel. For installers seeking to move into this market, it will tick a lot of boxes. Texecom’s Premier Elite 24-W uses the Ricochet platform, which in itself delivers a very high degree of flexibility with regard to the design and implementation of wireless systems. The core functionality is as you would expect from a credible system aimed at residential and lower risk commercial applications. However, it is the potential offered by the mesh-based infrastructure that will appeal to many installers and integrators. http://benchmarkmagazine.com/intruder-test-wireless-alarm-panels/ Kind Regards.
  5. Hello my name is Cornelis and I am a installer from The Netherlands. I join this forum because someone had a posts about programming the Risco Lightsys2. What’s me irritates is that there are many negative posts about Risco. We install about 25 years Risco (Rokonet) detectors with Scantronic and Texecom panels. but the last 2 years we only still install the Lightsys2 panels. This is because they have a wider range of products, and the Web User Application for home owners. We install daily Lightsys2 systems, and currently only with the wired Risco bus accessories such as the Watchout and the new Bware detectors, Lumin8 bellbox, and 2 way wireless such as the Watchout and Bware detectors, magnetic contacts, Lumin wireless bellbox. The benefits of Risco for us: Flexible system, many choice of Keypads, communicators and wired and wireless accessories. Risco cloud, VU point camera integration and app are free (no monthly fees). Easy to programming and testing with Risco configuration software (local and remote), panel firmware upgrading by installer. This panels are not for sale in webshops (is protected by Risco) is sold only to Certified Risco installers (Risco store). This is going to happen in the future with more companies e.g. Paxton with the new Net10 building management system. In General, Risco products have a very good quality and are affordable. They have won the PSI magazine award in 2014 and 2015 and at the various product testing by PSI magazine and Benchmark, they scored high. Thanks for reading this post.
  6. It was not quite right with Paste/cut, this is maybe more clearly. Quick Key Parameter 212 5 Termination The Termination menu enables you to program the connection type used for each of the system's zones. The actual (physical) termination for each zone must comply with that selected in the zone termination menu 01 N/C Uses normally-closed contacts and no terminating End-of-Line Resistor 02 EOL Uses normally-closed (NC) and/or normally-open (NO) contacts in a zone terminated by End-of-Line Resistor. 03 DEOL Uses normally-closed (NC) contacts in a zone using End-of-Line Resistors to distinguish between alarms and tamper conditions. 04 N/O Uses normally-open contacts and no terminating End-of-Line Resistor.
  7. Hi, use N/C (01) for zone 1-7 for alarm contact and zone 8 for common Tamper (for Z 1-7). You can view this is also in the installation manual ? Good luck. Termination Termination The Termination menu enables you to program the connection type used for each of the system's zones. The actual (physical) termination for each zone must comply with that selected in the zone termination menu N/C Uses normally-closed contacts and no terminating End-of-Line Resistor EOL Uses normally-closed (NC) and/or normally-open (NO) contacts in a zone terminated by End-of-Line Resistor. DEOL Uses normally-closed (NC) contacts in a zone using End-of-Line Resistors to distinguish between alarms and tamper conditions. N/O Uses normally-open contacts and no terminating End-of-Line Resistor.
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