I've got a Premier Elite 48 and I want to upgrade the firmware to v3.0 which has just been released.
However I'm balking a bit at paying £30 or so for the programming board, which seems like a lot for a a chip and a coupe of capacitors. I'm trying to find some info about it to see if I can build my own. I've already been able to DIY the USB cable, the GSM adapter and the COM-IP interface (documented at http://gw0udm.wordpress.com if anyone is interested) so I'd quite like keep going.
I wondered if anyone knew what the pinout of the programming port is?
As an alternative, if anyone has the official device (CDH-0001) I'd love to see a good quality photo of the underside and I might be able to work out the circuit from that.
Thanks very much for any advice... even if it is 'what on earth are you thinking'