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  1. You do need the flasher module, but there are cheaper ways of doing this if you are confident with electronics. I've been investigating this for a while and there's some information on my blog about it: http://gw0udm.wordpress.com We have worked out the circuit for the flasher module and if you have the USB cable you can do the programming with just a switch and a few resistors. James
  2. Sorry to open an old topic, but I have now found a way of doing this. You can use generic leads with the flasher so long as they have an FTDI chipset as this is the same as the real USB-COM cable. James
  3. Please see my blog - http://gw0udm.wordpress.com I had exactly the same thought, but I couldn't find pics anywhere so I ended up buying one and looking at what it was doing. In short it does hardly anything, as most of the electronics on the board is for use with the old PC-COM cable. Using a USB cable (it has to be an FTDI chipset) you can build a DIY interface with a few resistors and a switch. As you say could be a nice project to combine this with a UART to make an all-in-one interface. Whichever way it's much cheaper than an official one! I imagine that Texecom will eventually get around to allowing you to flash directly with a USB cable which would be much better all round. James
  4. Good advice! Will do. James
  5. Yes indeed, but for me I'll only use it once or twice so cost per use is quite high! I probably will end up buying one, but may have a go at reverse engineering it in case some brave soul fancies giving it a go. James
  6. Yes agreed - that's all I want to do, just want to find a cheaper way of doing it. Seems a bit cheapskate for them not to put that programming chip on the main board, but I suppose it's better than having to change the firmware by physically replacing it. James
  7. Hi I've got a Premier Elite 48 and I want to upgrade the firmware to v3.0 which has just been released. However I'm balking a bit at paying £30 or so for the programming board, which seems like a lot for a a chip and a coupe of capacitors. I'm trying to find some info about it to see if I can build my own. I've already been able to DIY the USB cable, the GSM adapter and the COM-IP interface (documented at http://gw0udm.wordpress.com if anyone is interested) so I'd quite like keep going. I wondered if anyone knew what the pinout of the programming port is? As an alternative, if anyone has the official device (CDH-0001) I'd love to see a good quality photo of the underside and I might be able to work out the circuit from that. Thanks very much for any advice... even if it is 'what on earth are you thinking' James
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