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Tony Laramy

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  1. Like- wanting to charge extra for saturday installation, when I say extra were talking £100
  2. I have had a quote from a local installer that I am happy with but the goal posts have moved slightly
  3. Right. After more research I see what you guys are saying. No yale for me lol. Is there anyone in the Surrey south London areas who will install a wireless alarm. Requirements are wireless, 3 pirs, 2 door contacts, 3remote key fobs as alarm control pad not by front door. Thanks
  4. The house is well secure and if someone did get in they wouldn't be leaving, not unless they were on a stretcher. It's more peace of mind for the wife. I came on here for some advice and I've got it. Thanks.
  5. What would you recommend for the above and how much would it be? Roughly
  6. I have said to her about the dump box route but that was kicked into touch. Thanks for the advice guys
  7. 350k ish? We have all the latest locks on windows and doors. It's more peace of mind for here.
  8. right, after a fair amount of research I am now completely confused. the wife wants to get an alarm for the house, the requirements are below. - has to be wireless - keypad cannot go by the front door as no power socket and will be hidden away, near router and electrics ( will need a remote key fob to unset on entry) - requires min 2 door contacts, 1 - 2 pir - external bell - she wants to part arm system ( so that she can come down in the night and not set off alarm, but door contacts stay alarmed) now the bad part, she only wants to spend around the £200 ish mark, I know this wont get the best in the world but could go a little higher. from what I can see we are in the yale budget.... any suggestions ??
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