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Everything posted by tvrulesme

  1. Will do. Thanks again. Will update with the outcome once the line is moved.
  2. Many thanks. I agree that I should pay. I just think £100 call out is a little steep when I could easily fit this in around their quarterly service visits. Maybe I will try that first and hopefully only need to pay for the £52 labour.
  3. Agreed, completely my benefit but it won't stop me asking the question ADT and especially their engineers have always been very good so as long as the refurb equipment works well I'd be happy.
  4. Sorry, I keep calling it that because ADT refer to this as a wireless package. I mean a GSM/GPRS based system. The other issue I have with GSM/GPRS is that mobile reception is a little intermittent in my house.
  5. I don't. Sorry is Gaz an installer or someone who can do this for cheaper?
  6. Update following the ADT visit. Their recommendation was to upgrade to a wireless system at a price of £249. The problem with this is that with this system I would no longer have the police response I currently have. In order to upgrade to a police response wireless system I would have to shell out a whacking £749 to replicate what I currently have. No way I can justify that. The system (a domonial) currently works and should it fail it will be ADT's responsibility to repair/replace for free. So the other option is to move the control panel next to the new master socket. Prices for this are: £100 call out fee £52 for 1 hrs labour. A saving of £597. Given that I am more than happy to give my 9 years so far business to another company, what are the chances of them waiving this fee to keep my custom?
  7. This would be down two flights of stairs and I really hate cables trailing through the house which is the main reason I am moving the master socket in the first place.
  8. The keypad is also wireless, the only part of the system I can see with any wires is the main box which is connected to the phone socket and a fused spur. Will definitely update the thread following the ADT rep visit. A bit of a pain that they can't discuss over the phone. Hopefully he'll go gentle on price after a nice cup of tea... Thank you. Will certainly update the thread after ADT rep visit.
  9. Ah good point. I hadn't considered a power cut. Location was decided by the location of the master socket. As this master socket is being moved to a kind of media centre cupboard the alarm could also sit happily in there if it is cheaper to move than to upgrade. Sorry my bad explanation. The sensors are already wireless, I was actually referring to upgrading to GSM/GPRS. I just wasn't sure of the terminology. So ADT have been called and will send out a salesman tomorrow. Thank you all for helping me to prepare in advance.
  10. Thanks very much. What a shame, I was hoping for a cheap phone over power-line adapter to give the box the phone signal. I assume this is not going to work from the replies. Hopefully they will go easy on me price-wise when I ask for an upgrade.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I spent a fortune having pebbledash removed from my house so the idea of nasty black cables going round the house or worse still through my house up 3 levels is not something I am willing to consider. I would rather ditch the monitoring than live with that That's why I gave the 3 options.
  12. I currently have an ADT monitored alarm which is connected to my BT line. I will shortly be moving my BT Master socket or moving to Virgin media and am trying to work out the cheapest option for retaining my alarm monitoring. As I see it I have 3 choices: 1. Buy a phone over power-line adapter to connect the alarm to. Does anyone have experience of this working? 2. Get ADT to move the alarm close to the new master socket. 3. Upgrade to a wireless ADT system. The only option I will not consider is having a phone extension cable from my new master socket to where the alarm currently sits. This is one of the main reasons I am moving the master socket in the first place. Any advice gratefully recieved on the best option. Also willing to drop ADT for a competitor if that works out cheaper.
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